Share this postSeemorerocks WHY IS JOE BIDEN DYING?Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreWHY IS JOE BIDEN DYING?HINT: How many vaccine boosters has he had since 2021?Robin WestenraJul 24, 202428Share this postSeemorerocks WHY IS JOE BIDEN DYING?Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1710ShareSubscribe to Seemorerocks By Robin Westenra · Launched a year agoThis is where I post articles by me that might otherwise get buried.SubscribeError28 Likes·10 Restacks
I have been witnessing the same decline in a number of my patients. Some are on their 9 booster. A painful process to watch otherwise smart people fall for the greatest lie ever told to humanity!
several booster and mutiple injections of Paxlovid....