The US gov pays medical agencies to kill seniors by writing it up as a Covid death. $15k for each death they report and $30k if patient was on a ventilator. Remember way way waaay back when Covid first started there was a couple of vids going around of patients who had woke up in a ventilator? Sure didn't take long for them to be removed!

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Why would a government pay a hospital for a senior dying? Think of this possible outcomes on this incentive? 🤔

Decades ago an assisted living facility by me was shutdown after employees were found to be betting on when patients would die. 🛎️

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If they can't pay out Medicare because of miduse of our required "investments", I guess you get rid of the evidence.

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Thank you for keeping R. Fuellmich in the news. We linked to your post here https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-week-14-vol-1-issue-14

see page 3

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Hi, please tell me , where is he ? is he still in prison ? many thanks , linda , UK.

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Yes, I believe he is in prison

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Thanks for the question. It forced me to look for an update https://truthsummit.substack.com/p/the-mysterious-dossier--of-reiner-fuellmich. Yes, he is still in prison. The new news is that secret service details came out via a document that officially targets him - higher ups saw him as a threat to be sidelined. You may not know that he and others had co-founded a new political party (Die Basis) as a completely different option than the status quo. Somehow this plus his Corona committee work has him branded a "threat to democracy" ...

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Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Whomever.. whatever..however.. this illegal kidnapping was instigated.

We, those awake to this worldwide evil need to continue to karakia ‘pray’ for these men and women throughout the world who willingly put themselves in the forefront and yes firing line..! Sincerely appreciate your mana, kaha me wairua Reiner Fullemich. Kia kaha.. Aotearoa NZ!

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Thank you for writing this story. I wondered what happened to the German man interviewing David Martin.

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I am in disgust at these rogue globies. We need to cut the head off the beast . Tie up it's legs first, I suppose. Everyone must dig deep, keep watching, reading, sharing their dirty deeds over decades, culminating right now.

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Fuellmich's committee likely committed this coup through pressure from the very same persons that they were investigating. Greed for large sums of money could be a factor.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

So what's going on now with Fuellmich? He is not forgotten, but he's sure scrubbed from the internet. Celia Farber mentioned him and got me digging, and I found this. Now what? These fights are so far from over!!!

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