This is an article I wrote a couple of weeks ago
La Quita Columna have put out another video
Interview with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and La Quinta Columna.
What is behind CERN, multidimensionality, energies and frequencies?
All of this is explained by introducing the E-factor.
Our world is not run by human beings.
This can also be seen HERE
World Health Organization Whistleblower and International Public Health Scientist, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Describes the Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda
1. Put people into a "sick mode" using fear
2. Compel people to get "an injection" into their bodies
3. Gain "total control of the population by the agenda of technology, QR codes, and genome editing digitization."
4. Achieve transhumanism
We have psychopaths - irrespective of lineage, religion, or affiliation. ET psychopaths? Could be. But psychopaths, nonetheless.
Perhaps We would best remove Their tool to power... It is Their ONLY tool. It buys all the rest They use, the things and the People.
Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article):
Accounting For the Energy We Add (article):
If people would grab hold of the work on melted buildings ( which I post about on my substack ) they would understand what all these underground tunnels really are.