Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Allexis Telia Ferrell is an Ohio resident; she is not Haitian. This is only one example. I'd be willing to listen to those who could provide additional examples of acts such that Ms. Ferrell has allegedly committed. So far, the whole story has its foundation in bogus reports. As for the video that exemplifies the exchange between Trump and Harris, it fully deflates the authors assertion that not a true statement passed through Harris' lips. The video shows only Trump speaking, and frankly, nothing came out of his mouth but lies. Then again, he's well known for that particular tenor in a debate or argument. I watched 1 hour of the debate before turning it off and calling it a night. Nothing that I heard from Trump was remotely relevant to the truth. I would hope that his supporters would suggest more preparation for any future debates (if they ever occur) or to simply get over any of his penchants for lying. It's really as simply as that. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

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