your information, intelligence is much appreciated (and would be sorely missed.) it’s lonely to go against the herd which is why we all need each other here…

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Your compendium of the NZ Legal trap is clearly stated - but it is not shocking.

I think many of us (defined as supporters of the 'Medical Freedom Movement') have read these extreme state powers have existed in the thick stack of legal mumbojumbo that Parliament has been passing in the night since 2021.

Furthermore, we each hope to slide under the wire - again - at the next mandate.

Other than that, "What to do?"

So, people read of more future threats and only react with ennui.

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Dear Robin,

Your well researched and intelligent articles are highly appreciated by me and my friends. It's sad you feel isolated; that people have become tribal. Speaking for myself - a "conspiracy theorist" for 20 years, who protested loudly against the scamdemic - I feel exhausted from being on high alert for many years. At this moment, there is a slight respite from the toxic garbage TPTB have been throwing at us. I'm using this slight respite to find some peace, to re-energize and to enjoy an innocent laugh with friends. We all know we'll have to throw ourselves into the fight again soon. Its just nice to have a brief rest from it all.

Once again, many thanks.



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Hello Robin, The kind of people who read your blog are down the rabbit hole to some degree and I guess what governments are planning is de rigueur for us. I've been going down the rabbit hole for the last 20 years and that journey sped up considerably over the last 4 1/2 years. I know the war is not over and things will become much more difficult over the next few years. So, nothing comes as a surprise. We think we are making a few gains and then we have our hopes & expectations dashed. A prime example is our new(ish) govt - they appear to be intent on carrying forward policies of Labour. Luxon is a fine representative for the NWO and wonder how long before I put Winnie in that camp. I don't expect we'll see cov inquiry MKII either. I expect them to attempt to inflict another plandemic along with it associated paraphernalia and mandates (note, in their legal language mandate is "an invitation to contract" and this applies in most western nations). I expect more pushback from the population than last time but I anticipate the govt/UN/WEF to scare the shit out of the sheep so who knows. If enough people say no nothing will happen. Watch this space.

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it’s possible you are being shadow-banned. Since we've no way of observing first hand on social media we can only see what we are shown. Who knows how real the views or any other stats are?

These last 4 years have crystalized a whole series of events I've observed over decades and now I'm somewhat sighted in the country of the blind.

Don't despair, you are appreciated.

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Greetings Robin, I have been following you on Telegram (& recently Substack) for many years. I throughly value and appreciate all that you post and I’m glad I have the opportunity now to say so as I have long intended to!

Certainly very challenging to be unwell and housebound, I really feel for you.

I’m not aware of the unvaxxed data - where can I find this please? As for the pandemic bs - it makes me feel angry, fed up and powerless, maybe others too so they say nothing. It all becomes rather overwhelming.

Please keep up the great work!

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Don’t give up. Don’t stop reaching out. I share your writings widely because I appreciate them. The old saying is true : prophets are never venerated in their lifetime

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Robin, do not despair. I sent word of the NZ pandemic plan to my granddaughter who lives in NZ. She said she wants only happy news to go with her morning coffee. Unfortunately, she is typical of her generation. They keep their heads up their bums. But I and others take notice. We are praying and thank you for what you do.

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