Two days ago, I found information that alarmed me no end.
I posted it here and on social media. After having not had one response from anybody and listening to a video on the subject by Maria Zeee I spent a whole afternoon doing a comprehensive break-down of what it is in the New Zealand Pandemic Plan.
Over night, despite my efforts, there has been no comment and, more importantly, no engagement with this information from the country most directly affected.
The only indication that counters this is this:
1 thousand people have looked at the material.
Other than that, NOTHING.
What am I to make of this?
In the last 4 years I have put myself out every day of the year to provide the best information I could. I have had plenty of time to grieve over the loss of friends.
They have become beyond reach.
I feel this so much more because I am unwell and mostly isolated within my own house.
Now, I am beginning to suspect that this is happening even within those who should understand more - those from what people like to call “the freedom movement”.
Perhaps it is just my imposed social isolaton and I do not have a handle on what people are thinking.
I do not get many chances to get to talk to people but I get the feeling that people are retreating into their own tribes. People I used to engage with on a regular basis I never hear from these days. When I raised this with a friend recently they vehemently denied this was the case but then went on to confirm my contention with their words.
I suspect this has always been the case.
I recall doing some research on people ending up in hospital with covid being increasingly the unvaccinated. I took my presentation up to a meeting of the local chapter of Voices for Freedom. To say that my presentation was unwelcome would be a gross understatement. It was rejected outright with one person exclaiming they didn’t believe government statistics anyway.
That was 2 years ago.
Guess who was proven right.
Now, there are indications that something very dark is coming our way and it seems that the exact same thing is happening over again.
The lesson if you want to be liked is never, ever, go against the stream, whether it be the great mass of the vaccinated (and I believe,injured) but also the “freedom movement”.
Never stick your head above the parapet.
There is a tendency amongst humans that is very strong in this country to find the opinion you agree with and go with that and “follow the leader”.
It’s the herd mentality.
You will never find me ‘balancing” the bad news with “good news” unless it is solidly based on reality.
Ever since I set up a blog 12 years ago and have contributed to every day of the year I have been devoted to presenting the truth as I see it. Over that time much of what I was saying in the past has proved to be coming to pass in a way I never imagined possible - some not so much.
Obviously, on the global scale there are people who are interested in what I have to say and the information I have to convey. That is shown by the rapid increase in subscribers to this Substack.
This latest thing with the NZ Pandemic Plan has left me quite dispirited but also angry.
I feel increasingly that the time is coming, despite Dylan Thomas to “go quietly into the gentle night”.
Perhaps I just need time to lick my wounds.
your information, intelligence is much appreciated (and would be sorely missed.) it’s lonely to go against the herd which is why we all need each other here…
Your compendium of the NZ Legal trap is clearly stated - but it is not shocking.
I think many of us (defined as supporters of the 'Medical Freedom Movement') have read these extreme state powers have existed in the thick stack of legal mumbojumbo that Parliament has been passing in the night since 2021.
Furthermore, we each hope to slide under the wire - again - at the next mandate.
Other than that, "What to do?"
So, people read of more future threats and only react with ennui.