Thanks for the excellent compilation, Robin - you may wish to add SAM to the second part. 🙏💚🧚‍♂️💙

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Thank you for this valuable compendium of nano tech in the jabs. I'll certainly be sharing it. I do recall a post by Jon Rappaport questioning the existence of the spike protein that was supposed to be the raison d'être for the jabs. He said no one's ever shown any, basically just taken for granted. Looks like all the nano stuff are the cause of all the toxic effects.

By the way, you wrote "I have always objected to insistence by a vociferous group of people ..." . I used to be sceptical but no longer. I first read about the lack of evidence for a virus in an article by The Perth Group several years ago. Then over the last couple of years I've watched most of Sam Bailey's videos on this matter and I purchased the book "Virus Mania". I consider the evidence for no viruses overwhelming - even if one just looks at how the US navy tried to infect volunteers with the flu in 1917 (the "Spanish Flu" so called epidemic of 1918), all of which failed, then one cannot concede viruses exist. Check out her video on Spanish Flu - very interesting.

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Thank you for this great directory to essential information. I think people need to take the facts from all of this research to the denialists on the X platform, since what they are saying basically amounts to "clerical sleight-of-hand", as someone else so eloquently put it. The problem is that with this nanotechnology in all of our blood (and with people bathing in frequency), when people see these denialists posts, I think they are highly likely to be influenced by an external force that may push them into buying into these arguments which of course stray far from the scientific essence of the matter. People need to force them to deal with the actual uncontroverted findings of all the various research, such as the MAC address phenomenon, detection of frequencies on the body (see Targeted Justice substack), dramatic increase in animation in proximity to EMF fields, and plethora of defense/medical research papers about nanotechnology for the brain-computer interface. They may block you as "Jikkileaks" on X did me, but that's just more proof that they are of the gossipy sort.

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Thanks for the great compilation…saved to my notes to listen to all the podcasts. I second Matt’s suggestion of including Sabrina Wallace.

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Amazing body of work. Thank you 🫡Sleep might be difficult this evening, but these days I’m all for the it’s-always-better-to-know mantra.

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Hi Robin,

Well put together and a great compilation.

Thanks for the inclusion amongst so many of todays luminaries. I second Sirskiwi's nomination and would include Sabrina Wallace.

Warm Regards,


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Also add Dr. Robert Duncan of Project Soul Catcher fame. They just recently eliminated him before attending a conference and protest with other targeted citizens of TargetedJustice.com. RIP. The bioweapons are tied into this angle of a "web" or "net" IoT, the public being the 'things' in this case, the literal power source for the black mirror matrix.

Dr Robert Duncan on Neuro, Microwave and V2K Weapons Targeting American Citizens


Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today | Len Ber & Robert Duncan


Daniel 2:43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

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