Israel and the CIA decapitated the USA Republic when they assassinated President JFK. They then installed first Jewish Peesident Johnson, gave Israel nukes, and started the Vietnamese war - a war that they lost and make billions in the process of losing. We have lost nearly every war since Korea, but MIC and Zionists make trillions and create our police state. Get ready hicks, Baal-worshippinf Israel needs you to die for them one more time.

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Wholly chit ! It's ON. The Dems know they're screwed with K.H. too and are most likely prepared to burn the US to the ground, along with their agenda of decent and deception all along the way, folks. I'm with the author and stockpiling more chit too.

Thanks for the heads-up.

God bless everyone.

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Wow. What did Megadeath know when they wrote this??? “Don’t look now to Israel”. Pretty powerful lyrics all the way through

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"...It might be your Homeland, holywars..."🎶🎶🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶🎶

Well, Donna he was interviewed awhile back and had a conversation. Here's the transcript, courtesy of Songfacts dot com:


This song has been interpreted to be about the troubles in Northern Ireland, but Dave Mustaine has indicated that the song is about Israel (Mustaine's mother is Jewish though he is Christian). In an interview with Rock Detector, Mustaine said: "'Holy Wars' doesn't talk about any specific place in time. It doesn't talk about any country. It just says, 'Don't look now to Israel it might be YOUR homeland.'"

On Israel National Radio, Mustaine said: "I've mentioned Israel in songs before, in 'Holy Wars.' Holy wars don't necessarily have to start in Israel. It can be anywhere. There are so many holy wars taking place in the world right now anyway. People are dying for a cause. It's so unbelievable.

Mustaine has explained that the second half of the song was inspired by the comic book The Punisher, which he loves (the Megadeth song "Killing Is My Business…and Business is Good," is about The Punisher). As for the first part, he explained when the album was first released that it was about an experience that happened in Ireland. Said Mustaine: "I had found out that the IRA wasn't as apparently opposed to the English as I was told. Yet the way that was described to me was very watered down. So, I shot my mouth off while there, saying, 'This one is for the cause! Anarchy in Ireland! Give Ireland back to the Irish!' I caught a lot of flack from the English press, and I caught a lot from the Irish... and like I give a f--k for the IRA!"

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Lyrics to Holy Wars... The Punishment Due

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Comments: 26

Dan Gillespy from Courtenay Bc

A perfect thrash metal classic about the conflict in the middle east.

Daniel Paterniti from Buenos Aires -argentina

We all know that any song can be freely understood by anyone. Could be the Irish problem, or the former Yugoslavia. But the mention of Israel and the phrase (they killed my wife and my baby)..it males me think of the pain caused to the people of Arabic origin in the old and recent wars in the Middle East.

Jeemy from Uk

Looked into this a lot and everybody is wrong, and right. The thing is, lyrics don't have to be about just one thing. From interviews with Dave its definitely connected to the Irish incident. He confronted some guys at an Irish gig selling bootleg shirts and was told they were being sold to support "The Cause" - which he was told was to try to reduce the number of Protestants and Catholics dying at each others hands.

He went on to let them sell the T-shirts, and to dedicate the song "Anarchy in the UK" to "The Cause" at a Dublin gig, getting a huge cheer.

He repeated this at a Northern Irish gig; in ANTRIM - "Give Ireland back to the Irish! This one's for 'the cause' - Anarchy in Ireland!"

.....not realizing this was a dedication to the radical IRA and causing a riot between PR and CATH fans; Megadeth had to be taken out of the city in a bulletproof bus, and allegedly travel in same for the rest of the tour, which I can well believe having had friends stationed there and on both sides of the conflict back in the day.

Holy Wars is actually about foreigners mouthing off about wars they know nothing about...Irish, Palestinian and Israeli all included, the Punishment due section is him imagining the Punisher in real war scenarios.

I found a quote from him:

Mustaine recalls, "When I was in Ireland, somebody talked to me about 'the cause', the reason why they were killing so many Catholics and Protestants.

"To me this made sense, and from the stage I dedicated a song to 'the cause'. The next day, we received threats and had to travel in a bulletproof bus.

"It turns out 'the cause' was the way in which Irish would call the IRA. I never felt so stupid."

"I don't really write about religion, but I came close with "Holy Wars," being inspired by the Cause"

"The second part of the song, "The Punishment Due" – which comes in after the Middle Eastern part – is about Frank Castle from Marvel's The Punisher. We timed that so that part would be at the end, "the could-be messenger of God." There's so many people who act like that. So we tried to make a complete shift and make it really melodic, something really Beatles-esque with that sweeping [guitar] pattern that went back and forth. "

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I enjoy and benefit from many of your pieces and collations of information. However, the magic words for me to stop paying any attention to a particular article is "Canadian Prepper." It's just not a credible source. All the best!

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