I woke up this morning to this impassioned call from weapons inspector, Scott Ritter and others that should be listened to (and heeded) by every single person on the planet capable of rational thought.
The next thing was this.
After Vladimir Putin’s dire warning with the launch of a medium range missile the other day the lunatics in charge of the asylum STILL think Putin is bluffing.
Here is the lunatic-in-chief
Meanwhile on Twitter-X we have the “saviour of the world” in the eyes of the Right, Elon Musk saying that going to Mars is the key to “the long-term survival” and humanity.
All I can say is that he ought to read Ben Elton’s satirical science fiction novel Stark which describes exactly this sort of insanity.
And then, as we move rapidly towards Armageddon we get this tosh on primetime US television.
Here is another “saviour”, Donald Trump, who is quoted somewhere as saying “I am peace”
The first thing that has to be pointed out that Trump is responsible for this situation by throwing out the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty And what makes Trump think that he can with his superior skills (sic) force Vladimir Putin to listen to him?
All I can think of is the expression
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad
11 years ago I penned an article based on the ideas of Guy McPherson.
Back then, it seemed quite logical and frightening.
Now, I see things quite differently. Firstly, I am not convinced that things are quite what they are being painted. Secondly, there are other things that threaten the human and natural world that are ACTUAL and current caused by the very actions we are told are supposed to save us all but are in fact, destroying us.
Not least, there are the geoengineering programs like solar radiation management.
I still have acquaintances who believe totally in CO2-related, anthropogenic climate change and are absolutely petrified although it is all still largely a mental construct and there are ACTUAL things that are happening NOW, (not least, damage to their own health and consciousness by the fake vaxx but certainly the destruction of agriculture by evil forces).
And they don’t even go along with the above thesis about the destruction of human habitat!
We are sitting on the very precipice of nuclear war and the very real possibility of the destruction of life on the planet within a few seconds and not decades or centuries and these people are so obsessed they literally don’t care.
Some of them would rather spray things on works of art or glue themselves to roads.
But who needs centuries of art? Who needs civilisation?
What comes to mind is that what we are facing now is predicament, not a “crisis”.
It has not come out suddenly from left-field, unexpectedly. It is complex and everything is a result of what came before and what is likely to happen is a result of all that.
As I see it, we are doomed as a species bar some supra-natural or divine intervention. Even if there is a miracle (say, some UFO stops the nukes in mid-flight) there are still the myriad of other inter-related problems that threaten to take us out.
When I was contemplating my own health and the complaint I am putting together the following words came to me.
I would rather die with dignity than live without it.
I am not young. I do not have a life ahead of me to worry about. I don’t even have grandchildren to worry about so I can afford to allow myself a bit of fatalism and I will not be losing my dignity by following some hope of keeping my body alive or (God forbid!) following any saviour like Elon Musk or Donald Trump.
These are my reflections on this Sunday morning.
Very thoughtful sentiments Mr. Westenra. Well written.
I live in Albuquerque. Still alive despite a doctors attempt on my life by medical battery at Providence St Joseph hospital. Hoping not to be a witness now to two sunrises in my adopted city because of the vain attempt to keep the killing in a proxy war going and spiraling out of control.