My interest was piqued by a recent interview with John de Souza, a former FBI investigator connected with what became the TV series, the X Files (which, by the way, never interested me at the time) with Redacted. In it he warns of a coming fake alien invasion which does not, he says, come from the US Government or even the Russians or the Chinese but from multinational corporations linked to a shadowy government ruling us from behind the scenes.
So when I saw his 2016 book, The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors I expected to see an exposition of Operation Blue Beam, the dark sites and retroengineering of alien spacecraft in Area 51.
Instead what I got was even more interesting (and discomfiting) than that with an exposition of something that was closer to David Icke and his shape-shifting reptilians and Greys.
In Icke's words:
Through the 1990s I met a stream of people who told me of their experiences with reptilian beings and those known in UFO folklore as Greys. Accounts they shared involved entities appearing ‘out of nowhere’, or abducting people for experiments. They described how they had seen apparent humans somehow changing shape into a reptilian form.
Reading the book has corresponded with a period of illness and the strangest and most debilitating of symptoms. While reading I felt myself going almost into a state of altered consciousness and it came through to me, as if in a waking dream, that I was under spiritual attack and even that there was a battle over me as I slept. Lying in bed immediately before commencing writing this I had the same symptoms strongly.
I have come to a similar conclusion to David Icke that there are many things that can be talked about, albeit censored and suppressed politically but when you start to take a deep dive as I just have into the nature of Reality as in Icke's or de Souza's book there are entities that really don't like it.
See my article here
For these reasons, after writing the following I may forego the opportunity to look into this too much deeper.
In a recent article, I suggested a middle way that avoided the dichotomy between a man-made fake UFO invasion and visitations by extraterrestrials.
If I was to offer up my own explanation it might be along these lines. I gravitate towards the “we are not alone” but not at all in the way they mean it. If there are indeed extraterrestrials behind all this I do not think that they will be humanoids inside a flying saucer. I believe them to be non-physical (at least in terms of what we can perceive with our six senses), probably from another dimension. I believe Mr de Souza when he says they can hold a human form, but only for a limited time whether in demonic or benign form
In his book, John de Souza describes contacts with aliens, abductions and organ harvesting of humans and of cattle.
In his book, de Souza accepts most of the sightings but is adamant about one thing - there are no ETs in flying sources flying from some planet light years away.
From the point-of-view of conventional physics they are not real - they come from another dimension.
They are more like something from some episodes of Star Trek.
They aren’t fully physical. At least not the way we are. Neither our Visitors nor “their craft” are fully physical in our universe because they are not a part of our material universe. They probably can maintain a type of physicality for short periods and they probably were fully physical in our universe somehow eons ago (this is apparent from the superhuman megaliths all over the Earth and structures on the Moon and Mars from prehistory periods). Somehow they cannot achieve that same physicality again in our reality—yet
If that does make it clear then this will.
The Extra-Dimensionals come and go from our extremely limited physical reality to other dimensions as do many other beings associated with and created by them. They do not abide in our time and space for long periods for the same reasons that we don’t swim in sub-zero freezing water for very long—it becomes unpleasant and potentially fatal.
In his book he predicts that something will happen not too long in the future. There will be an end that he describes as the end of the world as we know it, an “alien” invasion.
He describes this as being similar to the reaction of the Aztecs to the arrival of the Spanish Armada in America.
But it will not be real. De Souza describes it in this manner
“Any Extra-Dimensional invasion of Earth; will represent the ultimate TEOTWAWKI event (the end of the world as we know it - ed). It will occur in a commonly shared, world wide dream-state….
They could appear and operate in a continuous, shared-dream common throughout humanity that would be without many of the restrictions of physical space and time. Yet, because the multi-dimensional nature of the Extra-Dimensionals, they will have great facility in moving about in this state, manipulating it, bending and commanding the “laws of dream physics” in this continuous, planet-wide dream. This dream-invasion will be an irresistible supplement to any physical action taken against humanity. During the ongoing dream state, many advances against humanity can be manipulated in order to affect the waking state of humankind. In that way effective resistance could be stamped out before it is even conceived in the physical world.”
They could control absolutely every aspect of human movement, commerce and communication from this “dream dimension.”. They could destroy whole cities from their dream-state.
He likens this to a lucid dream from which people cannot awaken from.
He writes:
Surrounding the upper atmosphere of the Earth, there are numerous sentries keeping watch in the space directly around the Earth. These sentries consist of what appear to be ships of a wild diversity of shapes and sizes. These ships are not connected to anything remotely human. Many of these ships range in size from several miles wide or long, depending on the shape to possibly hundreds of miles long.
He references the “the Black Knight Satellite.” which he says, has been photographed and recorded in our upper atmosphere in various spots around the Earth for many decades now.
Sentinel From Space - Has the Earth been visited by a satellite from an ancient alien civilization?
What perplexes me is that in his recent video appearances he seems to be talking about a physical, fake alien invasion along the lines of Operation Blue Beam without providing the context of what he wrote in his book.
Is he going back on his contention of multi-dimensionalism, or, more likely, that the forces behind the fake alien invasion are also multi-dimensional (shape-shifting lizards?) and not from our midst?
Is he modifying his message for his audience?
He spends a lot of the space describing how we ascertain the nature of Reality -it is certainly not from modern physics or anything we are being fed. Instead,he follows not only David Icke's views that from any conventional scientific viewpoint seem strange but follows in the footsteps of the likes of Erich von Daniken who dominated my youth in taking the descriptions in scriptures from around the world and the ancient myths and legends at their word.
He talks about the extraordinary lengths that they will go to suppress the knowledge that governments are not in charge, something that involves 99% of scientists and civil servants who are doing their jobs honestly. They would, according to de Souza:
(They would) rather be perceived as horribly indifferent to the suffering of citizens than for “doomsday truth” to be suggested—that there’s nothing they can do because higher/greater powers are really in control.”
The response to whistleblowers and those who are able to break through the facade is ridicule, the destruction of careers and, occasionally, worse.
He says:
Tricks within tricks (being most effective)....Every area associated with UFO’s is rife with double, and sometimes, even triple tricks. There is deception from the national governments, the global bureaucrats and sometimes (The Roswell Crash/Alien Bodies incident) even from the Extra-Dimensionals themselves.
In this regard, he describes the whole Roswell affair, with its initial mocking and subsequent revelations in the 80's as a trick to hide the reality of multidimensionism and perpetuate the false idea of physical aliens that people can still cope with.
He points to this official government statement:
The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.
However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples:
SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI’s main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world.
Kepler is a NASA spacecraft in Earth orbit that’s main goal is to search for Earth-like planets. Such a planet would be located in the “Goldilocks” zone of a distant solar system—not too hot and not too cold—and could potentially be habitable by life as we know it. The Kepler mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-sized, rocky planets in or near the habitable zone of the star (sun) they orbit.
The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover’s onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.
A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life. Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved. But that’s all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
He says:
Another double-trick—apparently designed to shore up a weak cover story but its true objective is to reignite an argument of purely material/physical, non-terrestrial life. So long as they can keep the mainstream focused on our solar system and the physical planets, they will never lift up their heads to see the real truth.
This is something I've encountered throughout my life with regard to acupuncture, natural medicine, information about the fake vaccines.
They keep on saying
“ there are no scientific facts or peer reviewed study.” or “this is pseudo-science”.
There's never ever any proof despite a preponderance of scientific studies and most of us thinking people knowing where the truth is.
He does not see the answer in traditional ufology which, he says, has not progressed in decades or even in whistleblowing, which he sees as self-defeating, but rather in developing communities of the Awakened.
Querying the national governments on information withheld in these areas will never lead anywhere because the basic nature of the national governments will not change. They follow orders. The solution to information obfuscation is not in the national governments—it’s in us. For all of our exasperation, demands and dogged determination, the hat is on our own head. It’s been there all along.
From this point-of-view all this opens to question the whole Disclosure Project and even, possibly what might be achieved by the disclosures promised by Dr Greer in just a few weeks.
I couldn't possibly say.
What surprises me is the effect all this has had on me, how open I am to having a world-view held over six decades smashed leaving me wondering what I do believe.
But then, I've had to do this several times.
Back in 2013, I read David Icke's books, The Perception Deception, and Human Race Get Off Your Knees. To a great many people, Icke's material seemed a bit of a stretch. I revisited those two titles in 2024, and except for some names and a few other changes, they could have been written just last week, the principles and depth of research areas being so appropriate for the times we live in. I also read The Trap, The Dream and The Reveal. For my money, David Icke makes perfect sense.
Fascinating stuff Robin. Two or three competing theories. How about this one ?