Certainly looks like Israel has generated a signal to heat lithium batteries which are notoriously hard to extinguish once exploded and ignited. Perhaps someone will retaliate with an EMP over Israel which would effectively shutdown the nation. Israel has effectively announced, quite clearly, that no distinction exists between civilians and military in their current outlook. An evil pervades this government in its current incarnation. I've never seen anything remotely like it. I think this casual lack of distinction between civilian and military will effectively bring full-scale war to the Middle East. I haven't thought so before this point. What do nations have to lose? Israel has signaled that they will exterminate all people as military combatants. They make no distinction.

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Good thing I own a de-Googled phone that I don't plan on replacing for years to come.

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Soon coming to the USA to combat the misinformation spreaders.

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Good thing I don't own a smartphone.

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Israel is satanic, it works for satan.

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