Sep 3Liked by Robin Westenra

Robin, this is utterly fascinating. I watched a few interviews with Brian Rose early on in the C1984 ruse and occasionally I visit his website. His latest interview with Rose is gripping and I think he's very much onto what our "existence" is all about. Not completely, but mostly. One must always leave room for doubt but so far it's the best we've got. For decades I refused to believe in demons or evil, even when I enthusiastically embraced TCM I still did not concede to there being evil despite the concepts of duality that are plainly displayed by, for example, Yin & Yang. It was not until I heard an interview last year on RCR when Paul Brenan spoke with Fergus Greenwood-O'Connor about his book, 180. A chapter was devoted to the discovery by a psychologist that the only conclusion he could come to after interviewing schizophrenic people was there are demons/spirits/other life forms who have evil intent. This is when I started to take these concepts seriously and the idea of loosh isn't so loony after all.

I've been watching quite a bit of Paul Wallis this year & find his ideas and claims quite plausible, especially when they mirror some of the work done by Zechariah Sitchin. Wallis shows how the idea of demons /Satan etc. is in the bible and was accepted millennia ago . By going back to the meanings of original Hebrew & Greek he presents some fascinating history and draws, what I think, are valid conclusions.

Anyway, back to present day - the cult needs to feed on our "negative" loosh and we are told the ultimate aim of the cult is trans-humanism with the demise of humans. So, where will the loosh come from to feed these entities if trans-humanism comes about (it won't) ? Will the trans-humans just be brains/circuit boards generating loosh for the cult ?

Thanks for presenting this Robin, I've benefited from it hugely.



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Thanks for your comments. Coincidentally, I am also an ex-practitiioner of TCM

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Yes, I recall that you have mentioned that your were a TCM practitioner. I am not but have had a couple of long term relationships with women who are. TCM is very good at resolving problems but from my observations the beneficial effect will mostly disappear unless lifestyle changes are made, especially diet, emotional problems addressed or structural issues are present - e.g. blocked bile ducts. Having said that, TCM is very, very good at speeding up healing from injuries such as sprained ankles. I've seen people who suddenly find they cannot turn their head having the symptom resolved with a 10 minute treatment but turn up again for the same problem a few months later. In fact, I'm surprised professional sports teams don't make more use of TCM for such purposes or using it as a prophylactic to prevent injuries in the first place.

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Lots of this interesting but when people like David icke and Dane Wigington are mentioned the power if argument seem to lose it’s power.

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🙏 Namaste, Robin - I see you ❣️

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Loved David Icke for years!

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