Let me get this straight...people are rioting because they feel their voices have not been heard by government. So government wants to take away all their free speech. Yeah, that will solve the problem. What could possibly go wrong?

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What is it with all the "far-right" headlines. How do they know all these people are "far-right"? They use the term as derogatory, like Biden uses "MAGA Republicans, as though Making America Great Again is a dangerous "threat to democracy".

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Derbyshire police have form over lockdown zealotry including pursing via drone two ladies going for a walk. Dreadful force.

The U.K. is in deed a s hole….

Just wait to monkey pox is declared a pandemic on Wednesday.

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People are being mean to Rachel Swann about her hair. They should be questioning the size of her forehead. You could land a plane on that thing. Love Mike Adams’ (Health Ranger) comment about wearing the red coats and bringing scrolls 🤣🤣

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yeah, the poor thing, all that ridicule directed at her. Here's a thought: If you don't want people to laugh at your hairdo, maybe don't wear a ridiculous looking hairdo.

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This is what Evil does. It accuses YOU of the very things IT is doing. Evil people lie. They know they're lying and you know they're lying. They know you know they're lying, but they do it anyway. These people don't get a free pass. They are going to find themselves in a dark, very unpleasant place when they pass.

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I don't think the vast majority of British people will ever revolt. We are too comfortable for too long and prefer to bury their heads in the sand and hope it will go away, just like when were children and put our fingers in our ears and whistled, so we would not hear something bad.

I would like to be optimistic but I'm not.

It's terrible when we hope for the Apocalypse to rescue us from this abomination.

Anyway on that note pray like it is all down to God and work like it's all down to us!

It wouldn't go amiss if we all prayed the same prayer at the same time and see whether the divine will answer it. Has anyone got any suggestions for that prayer?

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Michael Yon has a revealing interview with Seth Holehouse on "Man in America." https://rumble.com/v59xvx6--white-genocide-begins-in-uk-and-europe-wake-up-america-w-michael-yon.html

Michael evaluates Ireland and Canada as *gone.* Meaning? The number of foreign military-age men now equal if not surpass the native male populations. He was in Yellowknife and reported that every single cab driver was from a foreign country. Yellowknife in the NW Territories!! Look at England where they aggressively emptied a pub. This isn't "right-wing propaganda;" this is factual news caught on video.

Muslims can use knives and machetes evidently at their disposal to inflict a genocidal action against the native white population as they've shown parading the streets of England looking for "right-wing extremists." Islamists also feel entitled to overtake and subdue other cultures and societies; listen to their interviews--even the ones of simply "the common man on the street." Michael thinks England may be close.

The odd factor is that the police will be effectively eliminated as soon as any type of genocidal action begins against the native populations. The police will be gone in a heartbeat as will English officials. The men from third-world countries aren't stupid and are more closely familiar with using physical offensive postures. The officials will be wiped out. The countries will be no more. Ireland and Canada are already gone. England very soon looks like they'll be gone.

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It appears almost as though the globalista and their cronies, the many opportunistic acolytes both national and supra-national are setting about punishing the British people for daring to leave the EU, the proto-global supra-national administrative bloc of unelected and unelectable thieving kakistocrats. The Lice and their surveillance apparatus appear a very tenuous blue line when confronted by those with nothing left to lose?

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I'm going with communist* rather than fascist, though any differences in actuality, are miniscule.

*As Kier Starmer is very definitely of the rabid, authoritarian leftist persuasion.

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My advice is, get the hell out of there.

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