So be it. I have nothing further to say except....

I hope the missiles are fired deeply into Russia.

I hope Russia does not become dissuaded from consequence for these actions. Particularly, since the missiles evidently derive from UK and US production, I hope London and Washington, D.C. see consequences.

I'm tired of the pissing contest.

Since so many people worldwide care so little for their own safety and health let alone the safety and health of the world, I say "Let the games begin."

There is a time to speak. There is a time to act. We have finished the speaking phase. Hezbollah has yet to learn this lesson.

Military forces may perpetuate action in a chronic, long-sustained fashion or in a blinding flash.

The really humorous aspect is that the so-called elites envision themselves safely ensconced in bunkers...the very group so used to ruling and parading their superior wealth and power. They will suffer greatly simply because, as psychopaths, they won't be able to exercise their proclivities trapped in bunkers except upon one another. Their farmlands will be polluted. Their manufacturing facilities destroyed. Their canned and freeze-dried food will soon evaporate...even after a year. Where will they grow new food or butcher new meat on another Mars? They certainly won't be eating bugs.

Really, when I think about the entire issue, I'm convinced that any elite factions love their braying of nuclear threats but, in actuality, nothing will happen. As always.

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Well I am going for a couple buckets of beer after work with the wife.

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There are different ways to take this.

Most of the European "leaders," except Orban obviously, are lackeys of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. So they can't step up and say "no" to a hot war with Russia. Their game is to provoke Russia into launching retaliatory strikes into NATO countries then running to Uncle Sam with tears in their eyes saying, "Look what that mean old bully did to poor little ol' me." That's the game. The U.S. military has already told mad-dog Biden we're not going down that road after Starmer's vomit flowed in the Oval Office. Now the U.S. military is going to have to do it again.

As I point out in my new eBook the U.S. has its own version of the Samson Option, and that seems to be what is coming into play now. Does the military have enough guts to stop it?


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