And in my opinion we need to consider that the entire world conflagration is coordinated and orchestrated to distract from the collapse of the global financial system and hide the coming “reset” into some type of CBDC or international banking currency and used for control of humanity. Order out of Chaos after all.

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I know the western world is essentially bought and paid for. My biggest question is how closely to the script Russia and China are playing? How many playbooks are in action on the global theater right now?

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Pointing to EMP and Poseidon are spot on and ahead of most all commentators on Substack.

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And today Putin said at an economic forum in St Petersburg that he could provide long range missiles to US enemies. So he may retaliate asymmetrically in this manner

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EMP attack has long been theorized as part of the first strike scenario. But at this point in the war it seems like overkill. More likely Russia will use tactical nukes , strategic in their deployment , to send a message. If things go really hot then yes it is quite plausible that North Korea detonates a nuke above the US and we get an EMP. Everyone should have already prepped for that.

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