finally people are waking up to the real elephant in the room, heres the original piece which will translate readily from the Russian, this is why its remained un censored, un-removed


The cube worn on the head of the toxic dwarf represents saturn, sat-an

"judaism" is a demon worship death cult which promotes supremacy and eradication of all "non jews", it hides under a thin veneer of projected innocence, attempts to expose the truth are ridiculed, denied or claimed as "not understanding"..

When it comes to goyim children being used as mock sacrifice crucifixions and for regular abbeyance to moloch, trust me "chosen ones", i understand well enough

furthermore the "abrahamic" religons were devised in order to bring about EXACTLY what is currently occuring, that being pending, imminent destruction of the Gentiles, by themselves, guided in this cause by misplaced, designed doctrines to cloak the true enemy (jews) and decieve the Gentiles into destroying each other.

Oct 7th signalled the start of a cycle leading toward the "birth" of the "mossaich ben david", Most are decieved into thinking the impending "world war" symbolises "jesus christ" returned have been decieved, nothing could be further from the truth, "JC" was "mossaich ben joseph" son of JOSEPH, not "david", JC = messiah of the Gentiles, the enemy of the jew.

"ben david" is the "anti-christ" who will destroy "israels enemies" (you, me, your kids, my kids, everyones fucking kids)

These facts are known as the "apocalypse of revelation", from strongs concordance:

the removal of the veil of deception from the eyes of the Gentiles

Once you grasp this you can then move on to understand how this death cult has been using humanities genuine religious aspirations, prayers, homages, pilgramages, every ounce of energy has been deflected, moved, deferred to "satan"

Or did you really think that hanging out in dimly lit buildings with grotesquely (yet often beautifully) carved images and concepts were rammed down your throat by "men in black" who often prefer sodomy with children to normal congress, not with standing said sites usually occupy former pagan sites where at least the varying different degrees of "demi-urge" , "deity" benign and non benign were recognised..

Excuse my frustration folks, but wake the fuck up, the hour is later than you think

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Thanks. Great find!

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i am genuinely thankfull that you are covering these issues.

Having studied the roots of freemasonry its links to occult and its eventual compromise by the jewish cult, being as it was the ideal method to permeate society covertly and destroy them from within by their own leaders in all fields, be that science, politics, banking, so on the evidence continually led toward the "grand plan".

In masonic terms this is called the "great work of ages" itself being the thinly re-worked plan of the chabbad/ashkenazi.

As Most are now aware what were passing interests in these studies just a few years ago, something of "fascination" or "novelty" have of course become much more centred in our field of vision, as the plan has become more widely exposed as it is attempted to be rolled out?

For myself i have a blood feud with "masons" as they took a young member of my family in return for a debt owed to them by a family member so blinded by desire so many years ago that he did not consider the pain when said debt was due, that is the foundation and merely an explanation as to why i have studied them in such depth.

i digress, what is far more important to understand is the much larger picture regarding the true and fullest extent intended by the judaic insanity, once certain aspects of this larger picture have been digested the much bigger picture (which for a very long time i found confusing) becomes much, much clearer.

The question might be:

If dominion over the earth is sought (as we know it is) by a self described elite (who are either openly "jewish" or directly/indirectly serve the "jewish plan") who wish to depopulate humanity and claim the earth for themselves...

Then why is the earth so poisoned by them? chemtrails accelerate the "climate hoax" but also poison readily, "gmo" gives wealth and power by control of breeding and guarantee of (toxic) industrial chemicals but itself destroys the nutritional value of "food", 5g irradiates the natural human, i could go on?

So why do they seek to destroy and permanently change nature in all its glory if they want it all for themselves?

The answer to this is that the direct followers of this "death cult" (for that is what it is) believe they are destined to become "gods" themselves, immortal, androgynous with "super" powers... yuval harrari speaks often of this....

yuval harrari also speaks often of "arks for the elite"...

These "people" have built vast cities underground, various events that have played out have assisted in these schemes, for example "covid" lockdowns provided a window for materials to be sourced in order to accelerate the completion of these "arks". Few noticed that the american division of the trucker protest involving large convoys of un-marked trucks travelling hither and thither never-made-it to the destination.. clever huh?

The sudden about face compliancy of many of our political leaders during the "covid" farce is explained simply enough.

Above a certain degree of "rank" offers (un-refusable offers...) were made that when the event occurs, those loyal to the plan and of sufficient "importance" in the "world to come" (olam ha ba) recieve "golden tickets" for themselves and immediate family to weather the storm...underground..

As "maddonna" so helpfully pointed out to those that listened "not evertones going to make it into the world to come", maddie has a personal kabbalah teacher we note, as does "donald" the "harlequin" as he is known in occult circles..

Scorched earth, scorched skies, death, disease, famine, murder, rape, unspeakable horrors are what is in store for those less fortunate...

Scorched earth is NOT the last resort, it is the AMBITION, the GOAL, the destiny of the demon worshipping judaic death cult..

The afore knowledge of the "plan" such as it has been inserted into all abrahamic religions and described as "revelations" reveals the true nature of the architechts of the "work".

Whether this revolves around dimensionality/time travel are hopefully subjects we can all discuss in better times once this shadow has passed and justice served on its participants.

Understanding the doctrine taught behind the kabbalah the element of judaism that lies just under the surface of the veneer of acceptability portrayed is essential to understanding the thought processes being played out.

Two exceptional sources who have studied these texts and codes in extreme depth can be found here:


and here:


Many attempt to try to explain the role of the ordinary "jews", no doubt many are well intentioned and quite decent in their outlook, they all however have at least an inkling of the plan and know that silence will serve them well.

Understandingn that the covid vaccines as served to the majority of the world are ethnic targetting bio weapons that target certain dna sub groups more rapidly than others and are utterly BENIGN to those with the strange dna quirk passed only from mother to child that defines the "jew" explains rapidly the "we were forced to take it too" BS so keenly spouted by those that would have you believe that whilst one of them they are still one of us..... yeah? im really feeling that.. not

i have tried to get across to as many as i can, as succintly and cohesively as i can that what we are dealing with lies in a realm that the majority have had intentionally hidden from us ALL of our lives.

Contact and actual meaningfull conversation with entities that dwell outside of our main senses yet un-doubtedly share this realm, this reality in some manner that overlaps with our own rather limited field of vision.

The abrahamic religions have sought to cloud the vision of a major proportion of the world by dint of impressing the notion that worship, adoration and acceptance of higher being/s is made through specific channels, orators, literature, envoys and ambassadors who all have one intent to segregate, seperate and manage the control of energy created by sentient beings who seek answers to the nature of our shared existence..

Most if not All of this energy has been deflected toward the dark

We used to interact more familliarly with those we share this realm with, this is why the Greek words are so pertinent for these times..

Robin, you have done tireless work in trying to get the truth out there, the truth by its very nature is both complex and multi tiered, what times now lie ahead?

The coming weeks feel murky and uncertain i feel

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