hubris.... the entire western ruling class has ODed on hubris.

a fucking peace conference and one of the parties isn't invited! ffs these people need a reality check and I hope its not a nuclear one!

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By design (the Western Alliance has set ti up this way), the gap between Russia and Ukraine is still huge. The likelihood of ceasefire/peace negotiations is minimal right now...a lot more Ukrainians are going to die, and a few Russians also. But the Western Alliance M.I.C. is going to continue to make out like the bandits they truly are. The chance of a mistake happening on either side leading to a nuclear exchange continues to rise. The Dooms Day Clock should be at 5 seconds to midnight, FFS!

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Putin has the same problem as us, seeing and hearing anything not on the chosen narrative is impossible with the continuous stealing clasp of the owned media.

Press the Press so the juice runs again.

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