Jul 29Liked by Robin Westenra

What a list of horror,

I submit for the record this illuminating talk about LIn Baio from Cliff High


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Thank you!

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The article poses a question,

Where does this cancer come from?

What is its purpose?

The first question denotes a "who", the who in question are alien to Us

The purpose is obvious, to re-mould, sanitise, terraform (if necessary) and claim this World which is Our world for themselves, for those that have not been paying attention they have declared this intention covertly and overtly.

Why now? ........everything takes "time"

Societies have hidden the malignant tumours of trans, homo, peado as one hides skin conditions, the malaise left unchecked, fed One might say now infest the majortiy of the now obviously rotting walking corpse that is "humanity", the affliction is now literally "in your face"

The purpose or at least one of them of the "last supper" mockery flaunted in "gay" paris is to emphasise the near completion of a con 3500 years in the making.... a con which appeals to the "better" nature of man and yet lends him easier to steer, control, subjugate..

Better still when the con has been fed to differing tribes in slightly-different-flavours the self same tribes can be set upon each other to unleash the pent up violence that has by dint of the con been so masterfully repressed.

To understand this better We can consider the place of Ghandi, not as an advocate of Peace, but a method placement that allowed the rothschilds to rape Bharat for another hundred or so years, i can point You to the evidence should You require..

We need to up Our game, to do this We need to understand that not all that walk this "earth" come from the same Source as We do, but yet they appear as We do, this is a very difficult concept for many as it absolutely contradicts a major constituent of the con, that being that We are all the same and We All come from "God"....

The image is often used of the "elite" conducting a board game atop a table, a table supported by Us as slaves, without Us the game falls... unsupported, We are the game, We are the pieces, yet it is the Game board they require, the "ammusement" is the erradication of the pieces in a slow, tortuous, sadistic manner... Getting it yet?

So why is the board not wiped clean, why all this shitfuckery? my cat loves to torment her prey, when the brain of a dead totured rabbit is eaten all the yummy hormones produced by fear get her right "off", that is one factor, the other is the big One, its called Consent it is the One law Our tormentors cannot circumvent, cannot navigate, cannot Break...

In short We are dealing with a rogue group of lower dimension sub-souls that broke into this dimension approximately 3500 years ago and have ever since been plotting Our demise, We know them by their acts and their deeds and as most know, they are everywhere, especially in positions of power, they understand "celestial mechanics" better than We do (and better than they have taught Us to) they understand it with indifference, ambiguity..

Any of You that have ever encountered the "jezebel spirit" have thus encountered these vermin in one of their principal guises, fyi jezebel appears as both male and female, i digress You do not need to hear my story.

So, We find Ourselves in the latter stages of the "plan", the con provides the reasoning why We continue to turn the other cheek and yet in tandem prepare Ourselves (mutually) to tear the living shit out of those who are not Our enemy but have been placed as Our enemy (scapegoat) using a time "honoured" trick as old as "time"

Our real enemy has placed those who it served a differing version 0f the con as Our enemy.

Lastly what may yet require further consideration is that those of whom i speak are often considered as a form of psychic guerilla warrior, they often refer to this themselves, for those who know where to look, what the evidence possibly points to is that those of whom i speak are but an advance party tasked with the job of taking Our world and those for whom they act may yet be different from those they sent ahead...

The arrival of the "cap stone" as coded within shakespeares sonnets, some have decoded this to be 2025 by Our reckoning...

When You undersatnd this concept You perhaps begin to take on board the urgency that We are now witnessing, things whilst arguably pretty crap are not entirely going their way, depop and psyop arent going to plan, take some small comfort in that..

The chems, the fluoride, the shit in the till rolls, the shit woven into your clothes, the "food", the "g", the "tv" have all eroded Us, yet not completely and even in the jaded, cow eyed masses a spark still exists in many, as most know a small spark can be nurtured into a fire if direction and encouragement are correctly supplied..

And in short this world has been cleared as was agreed, ho fucking ha, what was the promised reward? a share in this jewel in the darkness? an upgrade to having real souls (as they invertedly accuse Us of not having... i mean You Do understand inversion by this stage, You do, dont You?)

The coming "bird-flu" that is being orchestrated here in uk by raising to category 4, in NZ by the insidious "mandate" hidden in the legislation will be the attempt to get something in All of Us that tips the balance. (theres simply no need to re-hash that the "vax" works not simply on a physical level but on a spiritual level, lets not waste anymore time on that nugget)

And all this against what appears to be the back drop of an ever increasing "regional war" in the middle east.

Do any of You think that satanyahus` visit to am-eri-ca was not coincidental to the false flag attack on the football ground which appears to be leading toward am-eri-can support in a full war against Hezbollah and then assuredly Iran???

Such matters are Not discussed on the "phone", the occupying forces in Palestine will achieve more control and wealth stolen from the area, am-eri-ca gets to retain world "dominance" for a few more years at least, or so they think... "everyone wins...." except humanity

The writer "dr" naomi wolf once remarked in an old article i have archived that "speaking as a jew we have no real concept of "satan"...........

No of course not dear, thats becuase you call him/it samael and through him/it the great agenda is promoted..

Please understand that the majority of "alt discussion" is controlled by those whom We oppose, it is only the few twinkling lights that emanate authenticity that We know to be true..

We think that increased coverage results in more widepsread awareness, it does not it results in factions and a general decay.. sad to say, when a thing becomes a thing it is immediately usurped, blackmailed or simply reveals that all the time it was fake..

There are very few who have penetrated the con, it contradicts and utilises Our greatest atributes, Goodness, Compassion, Emapthy, Humility and turns them against Us, that is why the truth is so hard to see,

Start here:


As ive said before it-is-where-the-evidence-leads

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