Sep 23Liked by Robin Westenra

I had chest pains after first moderna and heart attack after second. PET scan found peripheral necrosis consistent with clots blocking capillaries.

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I pressed like, but I wish there was a way to express disgust at what happened to you.


Breaks my heart...

The dark fairy put a curse on the Kingdom, one day The princess would prick her finger on a spindle and fall into a sleep that would last for ever...

But the good fairy came late to the feast and spelled a reprieve that one day The Princess would be awakened b…

Four years ago a dark fairy spun a fear porn scam that has has put a prick into humans, their bodies are reacting, but have their minds fallen asleep?...

May good things happen for you too Richard.

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Good data, but for the fact that no One got "covid." It does not exist. It was founded on the twin towers of Rockefeller lies for profit and fear (for control): viruses and contagion - neither of which have been proven to this day. It's about time We bring THOSE towers down!

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Yes AS, the repeated mentions of infection are confusing coming from this author, although I suppose he is paraphrasing from the sources. "Infection" now just means a positive result from a fraudulent test.

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Yup. They are so full of it, thosse psychopaths in control!

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty read it carefully to understand just how serious things are....its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world but dont waste your time using.. you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor/suppress it..it currently has over 253000 signatures

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I am not assured that there isn't an ongoing assault via a multitude of avenues and biologics. There are likely to be some very disturbing data sets with other drugs being administered.

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Is Jacinda an evil witch?

Place Monty Python skit on "She's a Witch" here for viewing...

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"The general public in New Zealand is so poorly informed on these issues, that people are still unable to connect the dots joining the well publicised crisis in our health system and COVID-19 vaccination."

Yes, it is astonishing how compliant people in New Zealand appear and how wilfully uninformed regarding their own 'consent' they seem. It appears unlikely that they will ever "join the dots" as in, there was no pandemic and there is no "virus" and the clinical validity/reliability of RAT/PCR tests appears nonsensical for a non-specific, clinically declared irrelevant condition (see WHO definition).

BUT...what remains abundantly self-evident is the apparent cause/effect association between shots and emergent sickness, injury and death. What is also clear, is that those bureaucrats, medical/pharmacist/nurse jabsters that have perpetrated, colluded and instigated these apparent consequences appear poised and ready to continue, with have no intention of stopping or any intention to articulate and expedite fully informed consent to a hapless populace.

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People don’t want to know so you can’t blame them. All you can do is warm your hands by the fire

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Take data door to door and post it in public places. Oh, and get rid of King Chuckles III.

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