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Let me say first, that Scott Ritter has proven to be a respected commentator throughout previous Middle East issues. I have to say on Ukraine, however, that his take sounds deeply one sided to the point that one would think, through the commentary he makes, that Russia is the victim here. No doubt, cluster munitions raining on civilians is horrendous enough in thought, let alone reality. In the US, what we get is the drumbeat of news alerting us to the Russian terrorist campaigns against Ukraine. Too many videos of bombed hospitals, schools, innocent civilians being murdered in the streets of Ukrainian cities have surfaced overwhelming evidence of Russian atrocities. I don't pretend to know all the issues between these two nations, and I do believe Ukraine should not have NATO membership. There is no point in poking the Russian Bear. However, it should be noted that all the evidence we in the West have seen, has been that of Russian aggression and not Ukrainian. With all due respect to Mr. Ritter and his history in fair commentaries made in the past, I'm having trouble seeing Mr. Ritter's one-sided argument.

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