Well there isn't enough money in the social security funds to pay older people and fund Ukraine and so many other pet projects our Over Lords deem necessary. Something has to go. So I guess it is We The People that go.

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With respect, this is precisely the kind of thinking which landed us in the situation in the first place.

There is literally nothing preventing citizens arresting everyone involved and seizing all assets - literally nothing...except institutionalisation...and cowardice.

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“institutionalisation...and cowardice” are not nothing, and currently in ample supply.

The reality is that so far, no one has been arrested except dissenters, and no assets seized. Dee has encapsulated the thinking used by the Over Lords nicely.

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The money that they control was created by us not by them.

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Instead of paying for old people (who paid in to SS their entire lives) they're being murdered and their $$ is going to fund the invasion. Now they're going to have these illegals enlist in the U.S. military in exchange for citizenship. THESE are the army that WILL confiscate our guns for the WEF.

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ultimately writing to parliament is still trying to negotiate with crooks. They knew what they were doing and were silent. Writing is like the abused trying to negotiate with abusers. Those in parliaments are complicit in crimes against humanity and each needs to be held to account, rather than writing to them as a whole...

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My thoughts exactly! Petitioning criminals

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NZDSOS was all over this in 2020/21, having identified the problem as suggested by the literature.

The underlying thrombogenicity of the alleged constituents of the Pfizer/Moderna shots, whether graphene rGO/GO, the highly inflammatory 4 LNPs and/or the so called modRNA synthetic nucleotide sequences, collectively feature in the continuing unethical assault enabled by a culpable institutional and political deafness to the emerging consequences.

Amyloid aggregating clots or a "biomolecular corona?" See: Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials V. Palmieri, et al. (2018) Nanoscale Horizons

DOI: 10.1039/c8nh00318a ...."In this review, we will describe the journey of graphene oxide after injection into the bloodstream, from the initial interactions with plasma proteins to the formation of the ‘‘biomolecular corona’’, and biodistribution." ... "Our aim is to shed light on the unsolved problems regarding the graphene oxide corona to build the groundwork for the future development of drug delivery technology."

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Peter, please research and confirm this video showing the causation of the clots as graphene oxide nanoparticles


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Who is Peter?

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I’m thinking just the clotting issues are happening in roughly 20 million Americans.

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I did wonder when this would show up.

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