Jul 5Liked by Robin Westenra

I refused the Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Moderna shots. I had agreed with my wife that I would get the vax so we could travel back to the US to bury her mother. She held me to my promise once we could travel again. I took the Novavax, and told the nurse observer I was doing it under duress. She wished she had been able to get Novavax shot to keep her job. She said the staff were calling the Vovavax shot "the red tape vax" as it was the one that really reluctant folks (like me) were getting so they could keep jobs/travel etc. Of course, I got CV, twice. The s did not prevent me getting it. I now question the RAT test as well. When I presented my 5 page attestation and intl vax passport at Nelson, Auckland and Houston airports, no one was interested in them, just my Kiwi passport. The info at the time was I could not travel into the US without them, and must present them to do so. WTF?!

When we came back to NZ, we were told to fill in an on line travel doc, print it out and present it, along with our vax passports to get back into the country. When we arrived at Houston, at Auckland, no one wanted to see them, just the Kiwi passport.

The whole "you must have an international vax passport" to get out of and into NZ was totally political. It was dropped 2 days before we came back. Also the need to have it to get into the US the same.

I'm still furious, seething that 11,200 health dept works were granted secret exemptions. But I couldn't get one.

Our government is corrupt. We are being farmed.

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Completely agree. I have gone through immense grief when I see what is happening around and about me constantly. So difficult as no one wants to know (that are vaxxed) even though they see all the deaths and injuries themselves! And comment on it frequently and yet still don’t make the connections or want to hear. It’s like living in an open air insane asylum.

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The silence around all this is deafening

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Just wondering if you tried the baobab tree powder. There is a nice nurse practitioner who stumbled upon the powder. It reduces spike protein. All the people who took the shot are super shedders. Plus with all the chemtrails, btw mRNA is one of the things that they chemtrail. Then you add heavy metals and bio waste and Graphene oxide, nasty stew for neural networking our bodies. You can find article of the pilots this week reporting that they have been chemtrailing the skies and Bill Gates and governments are funding this. Most heads of governments are tied to the beast system coming. They sold out a long time ago. Getting back to the baobab tree powder it’s a large water cup. Like 32 oz and 1 tblsp. Baobab powder. Sip all day. The article is on substack. It is called all along the watchtower. Author Scott Marsland. FNP-C. Reduces spike protein levels and does other amazing stuff. My sister works at a place where most took the shot and boosters. A hot box of toxicity. Pray you get better.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

My article was not about ME.

It was about all the people suffering who won 't get magical cures but live terrible lives and deaths. If you ate so self-centred In yout thinking I have to question your Christianity.

"Thy Will be done"

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