New Zealand will NOT survive the consequences of the coming war in the Middle East!!!
Addressing comments
Having written what I regard as the most important article on an IMMEDIATE situation I feel duty-bound to respond to two contrasting comments.
MY ARTICLE WAS NOT A PHILOSOPHICAL TREATISE or was it an attempt to address problem long in the making and made worse by asinine denial.
This is where I published some very apposite comments
I wish to draw attention to this comment.
They have really got it!
..And that is but one reason "they" deem the current program as "compassionate extinction". Others futther up the chain call it "winnowing", You won’t see that expression often but when you do you know you are on the right trail.
Its a perfect storm, billions of spoilt, fat, indulged wasteful humans AND billions of starving, desperate easily led and hard working humans.
An impending, imminent scarcity of proportions so damaging as to be un-mitigateable, within the current structures of greed and power anyway..
The solution, : replace the lazy, greedy, fat, health care dependent humans with the other sort, do it subtly albeit with due notice to the timeframe of the imminent collapse..
Provide a method for the quiet killing of the fat lazy kind, something they will willingly "take", absolves the karma You know?
Revel in the power, rejoice as "they" are doing "gods" will, they are "gods" themselves, they are so clever they cooked this up and refined this decades ago..., and almost no one knew.. no one listened
The outcome? not enough are dead, not by a long chalk, things havent gone to plan, "other" forces are at work....
Something, sometime HAS to break, how it starts, where it starts.. Who knows? each nation has its strengths and weaknesses, its clear a "new order" is rising.. or attempting to rise, will the new order rotate around the nations that have resourses and ability? Yes absolutely, will the nations poorly equipped simply expire? Guaranteed.
Your nation has expanse and low population but few resources, how many can adapt to a pre medieval life in a few months? 5%? most will die, of hunger or the victims of the crimes of desperation..
Many nations like my home in the "uk", they will leave Us to become as animals, kill each other, for sure cooperative groups may begin, but i guarantee they will not last, the need, the greed the inability to provide for all, especially those who will not toil, will not, cannot be tolerated... its simple mathematics, the modern human is incapable of expending the energy calories required to produce a basic diet, believe me after 30+ yrs of seeking "self sufficiency" im still at 45-50% at best, with a petrol driven rotavator, with solar panels, with experience..
And what i am aware of most is that post collapse my "oasis" will be a magnet for those seeking a means of survival..
Ahh, happy days, anyway today is as many that have preceded it and like as many that may yet follow so i must lift my weary carcass to something usefull.
You are (IMHO) Mr Westenra: bang on the money, but fate may yet have many a twist to show Us before All is done :0)
However if an intervention arrived that revealed that which is likely cloaked, that being the enegies they so happily expend on creating hurricanes and fire storms then perhaps there might be another outcome?
Unfortunately, this comment comes from someone from the other side of the world.
No such wisdom coming from (I presume) my own country!
NZ has lots of land that is being used for exporting milk and beef and sheep and could be growing biofuel instead. That's certainly how the old-timers on South Island view this matter. Being closely aligned with Singapore in any case, along with associated Arabian supplies plus Latin American, means that politics is not so likely to end the shipping of oil to NZ. Meanwhile, regardless of Peak Oil statements extremis, our islands have large hydrocarbon deposits offshore and current govt is quickly getting drilling licenses back on-line. And of course, 70% of our power is hydro/geothermal ... etc. Sure, there could be WWIII blockades and shipping disruptions as witnessed in recent years, but we are extremely rich in natural resources and still have the engineers and trade partners required to utilise them. And constant innovation including appropriate technology is close at hand...
NZ has lots of land that is being used for exporting milk and beef and sheep and could be growing biofuel instead. That's certainly how the old-timers on South Island view this matter. Being closely aligned with Singapore in any case, along with associated Arabian supplies plus Latin American, means that politics is not so likely to end the shipping of oil to NZ. Meanwhile, regardless of Peak Oil statements extremis, our islands have large hydrocarbon deposits offshore and current govt is quickly getting drilling licenses back on-line. And of course, 70% of our power is hydro/geothermal ... etc. Sure, there could be WWIII blockades and shipping disruptions as witnessed in recent years, but we are extremely rich in natural resources and still have the engineers and trade partners required to utilise them. And constant innovation including appropriate technology is close at hand...
The comments were so off the subject I could scarcely believe what I was reading.
My immediate response was this:
Growing biofuel seems "brilliant". It won't ever solve the problem but if implement that we won't be able to feed ourselves.
We will starve.