
Thanks for reposting

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Just go to EMERGENCY! Or is that also not an option?

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So sorry to hear of your issues with your doctors. It's quite common now with any doctors in league with thug governments around the world. I hope you are able to get some relief through homeopathic sources with the herbalist. The lockstep doctors are not to be trusted.

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This looks promising:



Benefits Of Red LED Light And Near-Infrared Light Treatment

So, what exactly does red LED light treatment bring to the table? Fascinatingly, the impact of the red light extends far beyond just skin deep.

It permeates the human body, eliciting biological changes within. One key area of influence is your cells, where red light can enhance energy production through several mechanisms (4; 5; 6).

Additionally, red LED light has a profound impact on inflammation throughout the body (7; 8; 9; 10.

High levels of inflammation correlate with many modern diseases (heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes), and also with reduced energy production. By curtailing inflammation, energy production surges.

This energy production enhancement, courtesy of red LED light, significantly benefits overall health. Here's a snapshot of the advantages offered by red LED light ((11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18: 19: 20; 21; 22; 23; 24: 25)::

Accelerated wound healing

Improved hair growth and mitigation of hair loss

Reduction in skin roughness by boosting collagen and elastin production

Enhanced energy levels

Reduced inflammation

Increased muscle mass and greater fat loss

Lowered overall disease risk

Better mood with diminished risk of depression and anxiety

Improved cognitive function

Strengthened joint health

This is only a brief overview of the effects of red LED light therapy.

Currently, there are between 1,500-2,000+ studies published on red LED therapy (26), focusing solely on red LED light, and not the inclusion of near-infrared light.

Astonishingly, over 85% of these studies report positive outcomes, providing substantial scientific evidence for the benefits of red LED light.

This unit looks interesting:


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Going by their website I don't believe so. They are offering health care far as I can see & not exclusively for vax injured...


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I am going to try Chinese herbal medicine which I was trained in many moons ago.

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That's good. Wishing you quick recovery & good health!

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Try NZDSOS Docs Robyn? Those MS white coats are not to be trusted any more.

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nzdsos is for the vaxx injured. I am not. I don't think they are offering an alternative general pracrise. The System is beyond redemption.

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Hopefully you will indeed consult with the herbalist. Consider N-L Acetyl Cysteine and Co-Enzyme Q10. You are most likely familiar with these as your herbalist should be as well. Both NAC and Co-Enzyme Q-10 can be most helpful for heart and lung conditions.

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I have been taking NAC, along with zinc, vit D etc for a while but have not taken Co-enzyme Q10. I will try another herbalist locally. My normal one is too difficult to get to in my condition.


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