Well this is interesting. It makes Me ponder...

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

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I have two comments.

First, for Westenra...those departing Israelis are extremely fortunate to have this level of cognizance. Israel is destroying itself. I don't know if the end is in a week, month, or years, but after seeing the tremendous blast in Beirut yesterday, I clearly got that Israel will not stand. The Arabs won't "destroy" them. Ultimately, they will destroy themselves.

Secondly, Amaterasu, I read your link which I found extremely interesting. An exceedingly small % of people understand the situation as clearly as you do. Romans? Perhaps. I believe the group far older than that period.

However, the psychic, E. M. Nicolay, has written that this age is actually recapitulating the Roman Era because much karma must be expiated. The karma incurred in those times must be faced and expiated from the soul. Casey, of course, mentioned that many Atlanteans are reincarnating--particularly those who are drawn to the sciences and technological fields--to encounter their same dilemmas which they failed to master at that time.

I also believe the spiritual forces which we see in "life" (material life) are entities fought on the etheric and astral planes, too. In this phase of the Earth's evolution, we are densely material incorporating the spiritual essence of origin with a heavy materiality.

The caution: remember Atlantis severed along bitter ideological lines because certain beings were treated as substandard. They were the "automatons." Many interpretations of Casey exist. These interpretations include people who had ill cast themselves materially into matter and retained unnecessary appendages (which was the initial reason for the Temples of Sacrifice and Beauty--forms were essentially not material in Lemuria but became solidified within the Atlantean Age); the blending of humans, animals, and spirits through Sons of Beliel genetic engineering (like the Illuminati continue to believe today, they thought spirits from animals or etheric might provide or offer a power or extrasensory knowledge through their capture); or simply mechanistic beings who did begin to acquire a human consciousness because the science in Atlantis far outstrips what we can even envision today. Some people compare our two worlds; there is no comparison.

I would suggest, rather, that happy, caring people, at this juncture in materiality, don't mind cleaning toilets at all. Happy, caring people enjoy growing their own vegetables and orchards. Part of materiality is labor, exertion, and movement in the material sphere; mastering that point is mastering one part of the self at this juncture.


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I believe it was Albert Pike who said something about having all the religious groups destroy One anOther... So it is clear this all is in Their script.

And as for who, specifically, the script was written by... As I said in My article, I do not know for sure, but that LIKELY the Romans... But there surely are other possibilities.

I'm not sure about this "karma" thing. Nor of reincarnation, nor any of the other elements You offer. Not saying none of that exists, but that thus far, I have no evidence of it.

And I suppose there are some "happy, caring" People who would love to clean commodes, but I will guess that with the ability for fulfill potential, that will not be the choice of statistically Any.

And having lived with psoriatic arthritis and bone spurs in My thumbs most of My life... Too much movement leads to swollen joints that stiffen, are hot to the touch, and gruesomely painful. I would rather have the choice to travel, learn about Our real history, and have My food provided by automation and Those whose love is producing food for Others.

Love always!

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As I just wrote in the other comment section, I believe in absolute sovereignty for the individual. I hope everyone lives according to their own perceptions and beliefs. I obviously fall into the grow my own food and scrub my own toilets group. I, too, from my last job, which was commercial driving, have had inordinate musculoskeletal issues which I'm slowly overcoming. I "speak" to my guardians and what some people call "angels." I'm Buddhist so I have a hard time with Christian concepts. Something inside me just rebels against "anything" waiting on me. If I were handicapped or incapacitated, of course my viewpoint would be different. I think I dealt or worked with these "things" in Atlantis and saw how trapped they were. I chant (Buddhism) and meditate. In meditation, I've seen myself looking into someone's face who is in anguish because they made the wrong choice and became bioengineered. They were looked less upon. They were denigrated. So, servants in any form give me the creeps.

Nice to talk to you! Take care!

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