One has to allocate one's resources to best effect. As such one has to rely on the internal algorithms one has engineered over the years. One can find support for any point of view but no-one has the time to chase them all down.

ATM there is a pervasive "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto" vibe regarding wildly high anomalous temperatures. It takes a stupendous amount of heat to warm the oceans to new records. On tropical tidbits one can commonly see 20C anomalous temps on the high side.

e.g. https://twitter.com/peakaustria/status/1759838494279495816

The Thai Meteorological Department has announced that summer is expected to commence towards the end of this month, with an extreme heatwave predicted for March and April. Temperatures in some provinces could soar to 43-45°C, an increase of 1-2°C compared to last year's records.

There is a lot of talk about the AMOC collapsing. However, I am persuaded by the descending "methane veil" as promulgated by Malcolm Light who recently announced a dire prediction:

Malcolm Light

oSneorstpd3fm07h7fhi7fg64m2c5h1u5a22u21156043ic34g260cg4huh3 ·

2024 Mayday for Canada and the USA

The extreme heat anomalies in the North Atlantic during the summer of 2023 has overheated the Gulf Stream and it will generate a massive submarine Arctic methane outburst during the summer of 2024. This giant, high altitude methane cloud will migrate south west over Canada and the USA into the East Pacific and surface temperatures will probably exceed 50 Degrees F. (10 Degrees C.) above the normal leading to widespread fires, destruction and death.

I therefore recommend that all US and Canadian citizens have their Summer holidays (June to September) in the Southern Hemisphere or Scandinavia.

This continent killing event has been triggered by the absolute incompetence and greed of US leadership which has been driven by short term profit making in foreign wars and capturing the entire European market for oil and frac. gas, blind to the catastrophic effects that global warming is going to have on their nation.

My very best wishes to you all for the New Year. Keep safe and well.

God Bless you,

Malcolm P.R. Light (Dr)

Retired Oil and Gas Geologist

The "methane bomb" will dwarf any other factor.

Personally, I give this at least even money, Light said that Arctic methane eruptions would begin 2024 in earnest three years ago. It is certainly not looking good ATM.

Not long to see one way or the other.

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Not quite at man the lifeboats but it really is not looking good at all.

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Quite the long read. Can't guaranty I read every last word but thanks for this enlightening and we'll researched post.

Here's also we here Mann lost: https://climatechangedispatch.com/tim-ball-defeats-michael-mann-lawsuit/

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