
I's have to leave it to others to find it. I didn't see it.

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Well written and presented piece. Whitney Webb's _One Nation Under Blackmail_ is in-depth journalism exposing the integration of mafioso gangs and intel factions, with Mossad seemingly in the middle of decades of vicious machinations. It's all breaking loose now and global hybrid war is clearly gong to keep intensifying on a daily basis. Regardless of now ubiquitous evil pathology -- and nazi resurgence of hatred being 'normalised' -- I am most happy to be living peacefully on South Island.

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Bless you, and thanks..

There was an short article on NZ News only up for hours stating that Ardern had made a great deal of money, during her term as PM, millions , on a "bitcoin loop hole that was now closed to the public."

It came out shortly after questions were asked about the growth in her personal fortunes.

Can you find it?

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