also see Carnicom Institute work on cross domain bacteria (CDB) earlier generations of the tech have been used experimentally for almost 30 years now.

the tendrils are similar to the biologic tech in Divergent movie, predictive programming?

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Thank you for this info, much appreciated!

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Robin: this is brilliant work that you found this. La Quinta Columna is a great institute, I remember about 6 months after covid came out, one of the scientists there (I think it was the same one who did this work as well) managed to get hold of a vial of covid and told us there was graphene in it as well as other things that were harmful. These folks have continued to do some great work. Whenever I see anything done by them, I pass it along to my husband, who has over 50 yrs research as a virologist/immunologist. He also worked in Public Health Dept., advising public on how to manage epidemics, disease, etc. and worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist on her research team. I read him this whole article and he said "I can't fine one thing wrong in that entire article. It all makes sense." It's beyond evil what these beings have done to this entire planet. My husband also said that the science involved in this is so sophisticated and complete, it had to be done by off-world beings/aliens. I about fell over when he said that, because he's never said anything like that before.

Great work in finding this, Robin, my hat is off to you, sir!!

I'll be spreading this info, everyone needs to know this. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks, for sharing. The first part seemed spit on. The rest seemed pretty far out there. My world right now seems pretty far out there. Pray for direction and clarification. Read and listen to everything then connect the dots..crazy world it is.

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The worst thing is trying to involve anyone with a mainstream microscopy specialist background for their professional opinions.

I have even tried to employ or pay and the best I've got is "It's not what you think" yet I don't know what I'm finding and have no definite thoughts.

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