13 hrs agoLiked by Robin Westenra

I have been making the argument for over a year that "the plan" was to populate Ukraine with migrants from Israel except that I argued it was a result of the fact that Israel itself was a failed state. Of course Putin and the Russians put a stop to that plot. I said this was why Ukraine was depopulating the country through forcing people out and killing them off in the war. I was also told, and have seen videos, that Muslim leaders also firmly believe this scenario. They fully intend, by the way, to put an end to Israel. That does not mean killing all Israelis. It means bringing about a multi-ethnic Palestine with freedom of religion for all.

Here's may latest btw that I have posted here before:


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5 hrs agoLiked by Robin Westenra

the "plan" has been hidden in plain sight for some time:


"berkut" figures in many walks of life and the evidence is clear enough as to the validity.

Recent reports show that the illegal state of "israel" is getting involved with the ukraine/russia conflict, supporting the zelensky faction with tec and more recently promises of an "iron dome" for kiev, good luck with that one, crap system protecting whats very likely to be ash before the system can be installed.. i digress..

The picture We are being presented is that of a monochrome, defined conflict with clearly defined contrasts...

In many ways the "fate" of humanity rests on the outcome or lack of of the eastern europe conflict, much exacerbated by the use of long range missiles into Russia.. this will not end well, or certainly has the potential to go fubar,

To go deeper tho We need to consider the full context of the script all leaders controlled by the "jew" are openly, unwittingly or unknowingly working to..

The concept shares a common vein with all historical/esoteric assumptions of a "new order" and when One digs deep enough they all share a common theme, that being dominion over the earth and all its people by one group, the "jew"

The script is known as kabbalah and the number of well known devotees is quite frankly mind boggling, from mad-onna, poo-tin, flump, fucker carlson...

Heres a very visual format recently used to program the masses, very few understand the relevance of the imagery, the content however is not lost on the sub-conscious of the masses, understand by that this "plan" requires Us in order to be acheived, Consent, Critical Mass (no pun intended)..

We have to allow this to happen otherwise it cannot happen, "they" dont like that part to be known..

We can expect much more acceleration over the coming weeks and months, Oct 2nd solar eclipse (solar eclipses serve the "jew", lunar eclipses serve Us) then later in the year Nov 19th Pluto signals it final direct motion into Aquarius which defines the actual start of that "era" and its a big one..

Incidentally is was recorded that Jesus noted that humanity must "beware the water carrier", this passage was historically confused as the original grammar showed the water carrier as male, something that was out of place,, until now

In many ways the current period of time 2020/2030 holds, certainly held huge potential for the awakening of humanity, as a consequence it also then holds/held a great potential for the existing power structure that has held humanity in its grasp for millenia to use said influences to yet further keep hold of it s grip on power.. via technology (jabz and "ai"), oppression and legislation, war and rumour of war, next famine, artifical or induced pestilence... ah i forgot chetrails, how remiss of me, tusk

Via convential methods and under the guise of being a friend We are being taught that existence on this Realm is "hell on earth" and for those less fortunate i have no doubt that is exactly what it is..

However continued incarnation onto/into this Realm is a given, its as inescapable as the sun rising and setting..

So when these poor Souls are offered an alternative to this Realm many will take it, falsely believing that the alternative put forward will be an improvement,

Heres a take on this from some years back by one the prominent translators :


Re another take on c.e.r.n as discussed by Robin earlier this coverage of the opening of the gotthard tunnel (linked with c.e.r.n) shows in the last 10 or so minutes the inentions re establishing new "deities" on whatever remains of this place should they achieve their goals:


The incredible people of Palestine show Us just how important holding onto this existence is despite circumstances seeming utterly lost..

As the "jew" throws his malevolence at these indigenous People he shows Us his true face and it is appaling, vile, evil and most assuredly very ugly

So despite whatever is thrown at Us We must never forget or stop fighting for this Realm as it is Ours and without it One is shall We say "lost"

Thats about as concise as i can put it and i really must now get on

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Thank you very much for that information.

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