You need to research Mauro Biglino and his accurate translation of the OT, and also Paul Wallis. Their credentials are impeccable and they both have published books on what they separetely discovered. They have discovered that the original OT accurately describes who and what yahweh and his mates were, and what they did. And you can bet your life savings that the zionists do too, AND the top level at the Vatican. AND it links to what has been and is happening to the children across the world. And plenty more besides.

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Yahweh is the Creator, the infinite personal God who took on flesh and came to this world to suffer for the sins of Mankind. This idea that there are new discoveries of ancient documents is what usually gives rise to what Christendom has called heresy. This idea of Yahweh as a bad dude was around in the first and second centuries and was proclaimed by Marcion, among others. It seems to me that you re doing more than betting your life savings - you are gambling with your soul.

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Funny, that's what they say about Jesus too, only he was not one of them. And, just to clarify, this is not a new discovery of ancient documents, these are accurate translations of known ancient documents, done by linguistic experts. Biglino was commissioned to do the work by the Vatican and they freaked out when they got the results, because they sure AF don't want us peasants finding out the truth. Have a look at: The Naked Bible by Biglino. It is erudite, academic and very, very interesting. Then see how it fits or does not with your current belief system. And I am not gambling with anything by looking beyond my original belief system. My soul is eternal, same as everyone else's.

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And what is your source for this claim of accurate translations of ancient documents. Neither the rabbis nor the Church Fathers nor later Christian commentators have questioned the accuracy of our translations. Yes, your soul is eternal, but the question is where you and your soul will spend eternity. Jesus Christ explicitly referred to Himself in terms of the God of the Old Testament, as when He told the Jews that "Before Abraham was, I am." See John 8. Exodus 3: 14

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Robin, thanks for posting this piece, rapid understanding of the abrahamic muddle is very much required NOW.

So, where do we start? in ancient times we celebrated, venerated and respected (often through fear) the entities and characters of dimensional beings whom we termed "gods" and "demons", this includes the vast array of displaced demiurge still wandering our world to this day, in the linked work Claude Le Cotuex explains these concepts in detail, and for sure where we worship now in "churches" is almost always where we worshipped before..


after the ancient period of time we became aware of more personified deities, in human form, specifically "yahweh", what seems likely is that this character portrated, described as in human form was in fact a visitor with advanced technology, who "befriended" and assisted one particular group dwelling in the middle east, incidentally the same group now being bombed shitless by demon worshipping monsters who have been evicted from every country they ever occupied until they stole one of their own and even then just could not stop doing what they do, stealing, decieving and making sacrifice of children not of their own to a dark entity which we have various names for.

The entity in question provides spiritual protection to those who sacrifice the blood of the innocents to it.. needless to say other "factions" have jumped on this bandwaggon hence the total confusion re whos` doing what and for what outcome, this entity is currently awash with the spiritual energy being relased in multiple places around Our world, Gaza, Ukraine and continually at multiple sites as the cica 8 million per annum "missing" children die deaths we unworthy cannot begin to imagine... ponder on that, just for one moment. Then ponder on the intended feast to come...

The Circus media and hellywood now adorn every image they can with trans, paedo, torture, blood imagery, they say "sa-tan is everywhere but none can see him"....

Yeshua, use his true name, not the one given that weakens the tantric resonance of his true name (now why would they do that then???), Yeshua was the quirk sent from whatever good remains in/over this Realm, in the language of the syangogue of satan Yeshua represents the "messiah of the Gentiles", that means You and Me...

As has been professed we are living in "messianic times", millions of american and other Christians believe that what is going on leads to the return of the "messiah", what has been hidden is that those directing the stage theatre do not seek Yeshua, they seek instead "mossiach ben david" more commonly known to Us all as "anti-christ"

mossiach ben joseph= Yehusa = messiah of the Gentiles

mossiach ben david= anti-christ= messiah of the syangogue of satan

netanyahu was told by the toxic dwarf schneerson that he would pass the sceptre to this character, fuck schneerson, fuck netanyahu

What everyone needs to understand is that a group of parasitic spirits that can hold human form, can cheat Karma, can manipulate the reincarnation process, have the ability to astral travel and control facets of time, outcomes etc intend to wipe this magnificent Realm clean of Us.

And if You aint one of Us, then you are either by dint of action, or non action one of "them", ambiguity is simply not an option darling ;0)

This is not fairy tale, this is now, it is happening, humanity the true expression of "God" the Creator are being sytematically wiped off the Realm created for Us, but because of the Laws of Consent it is "permissible", note bene these Laws are now being broken, in case You hadnt noticed, this indicates the very late hour..

Concisely, this is not about "hate" it is about Survival in the face of erradication, not only do they seek Our physical deaths but also Our spiritual death, the "vax" has much yet to be revealed in respect of this. In short if You fall now, You fall forever (within our context of "for-ever") which is by any reckoning a very, very long time

Once fully versed one understands that "the great work of ages" as brought about by "free masons" is the self same as agenda 2030, IHR and most importantly "olam ha ba" the kabbalic "world to come", that being fyi a world devoid of all but a smattering of Gentile Humans..

Understand that "human form" is merely an avatar, most get this but dont truly t6ake it fully on board, this is why "they" are so comfortable with dismorphia, trans etc.. its just a "bio-experience suit" to them, for Us We are expressions in physical form of Creator, subtle, but huge diffence there

Its a huge wake up call getting ones head around such concepts, not withstanding that decades of "education" and indoctrination, social and media manipulation have convinced all of us living "developed nation lives" that certain facts are so when they are not they are LIES, "covid" amongst other things such as 9/11 exposed the cracks in the screen

Understand those we fight against will accept ownership of a "scorched earth" over that of Losing... let that sink in, they have factored this outcome with giant underground cities built at Our expense, you have to note the irony of this..

Note too that what lies beneath the scorched earth hell in "matrix" is called.... you got it "zion"

i feel like ive served up breakfast but missed out the mushrooms or toast, but hopefully you get the picture, its high time We All Did, God bless

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Who created these deities and demiurges? Who created the universe? Who fine tuned it to make life and humans possible? It was the Creator and fine tuner himself, Yahweh, also known as The I Am that Am. He is infinitely merciful but also infinitely just and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That means all humans are in trouble. Christ died for you so, the words of the psalmist, "Kiss the Son lest He be angry." (Psalm 2: 12)

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You need to differentiate between Creator and "lord", the works of Shmuel Asher translated from the oldest texts we mere mortals have access to will assist you on your journey, the abrahamic myths need to be dispelled, wake up time is upon you, if you so choose, all the best

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The Creator is your Lord. Through Him all things were created and all things exist. You are not good enough to make any meaningful journey to God and to heaven because all your good works are as filthy rags to Him - Jesus Christ - who died on the Cross for you. Jesus Christ is the name above all names and the name at which every knee shall bow.

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Robin: I'm ecstatic you've written this. I agree with you completely on everything you said. This is a masterpiece of work. I'm 69 y.o. and when I was in kindergarten up thru 3rd grade I went to Baptist school. I was taught that Old Testament was history but New Testament was the story of Jesus and what we were to live by; IOW Jesus's teachings are what we live by and what he told us was to love one another, be good to each other and help each other out. I get so frustrated with these "Christians" who don't know this about thier own religion and who don't study the Bible and never have. I"ve studied the Bible most of my life, had lots of Bible teaching by teachers who knew the truth about the Bible. You've presented numerous examples here, all of which makes sense. I've always believed God of OT is an evil God - especially since he's jealous of all other gods. IMO God is a God of love. No one who is a true Christian should be "God-fearing", we are not to fear God as he is a God of love and does not judge us. I live in the Bible belt and have to contend with the incessant conversations of "Jews are God's chosen people", and who live by the OT - which is exactly what we should NOT be doing if one really studies the Bible and thinks it through. Later on, I went to Catholic school, where I was taught that the Council of Nicea changed the Bible in some places to correct the falsehoods of the Bible. So what can we believe in the Bible then? Well, IMO we have to really study, use discernment and put the pieces together - not unlike what some of us are doing right now in order to figure out what the deep state has been doing. We've all been living with so many lies, it's time we each do our own research, including in the Bible, to come to see Truth. Yes, it's hard work but it's the only way out of this mess that has been created as a matrix by very evil entities - it's out only way to escape the matrix and go forward into where we really are supposed to be.

THANK YOU so much for all the hard work you put into this, I very much appreciate it and will be re-reading it for quite some time to come, there are many nuggets of truth here! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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