Dr. Martin went to a Mennonite high school in Pennsylvania, and a Mennonite college in Indiana. He sports an Eye of Horus tattoo on the shoulder. That seems very rebellious for someone so Amish. It strikes me that it could be a military tattoo, or it could be mystery school branding. The bald head could signify that his real initials are IHS (the rest of the moral attack against Martin is equally speculative and lame). He was a double amputee who had both legs surgically re-attached (apparently) while in college. I haven't heard any details about this. Who is the famous surgeon who performed this procedure, I wonder? How did he lose both his legs? One thing that strikes me about his positioning here, is that I don't believe mRNA jabs could've gotten in arms in 2020 without the tech that he invented (to value, buy, and sell patents related to DNA). He and several others, such as Ralph Baric and Robert Malone, provided unique knowledge and technology that had to be in place for the jabs to roll out. I'm not accusing him of wrong-doing. It doesn't seem strange to me that he showed up with the keystone to the whole operation right on time with his novel improvements. That's how it's supposed to work. A person sees a need in the marketplace and invents new technology (or a person is gifted this technology from the gov/intel think tank and then presents it as his novelty...ala Bill Gates). In an interesting aside, did you know Steve Kirsch invented the internet by himself one day at Cal-Berkeley when he was 13 years old? Just a little post-covid humor.

I'm not a hater of talent. Dr. Martin's speech has been admirable and brave. He's telling an important truth. We are being attacked with chemical weapons. That's what the military countermeasures are. This is a violation of the public trust, an act of war, and a violation of the Nuremberg Code. A violation of trust voids all contracts because trust is a contract. What is a dollar (a contract signifying debt)? Now that the USA entity has attacked the states and the populace with chemicals weapons, it's only a matter of time until we recognize that it's a war. I'll bet we're all about to become keenly aware of the war.

What's really going to make people lose it is when they learn that their corporate employers and unions that forced them to vaccinate, then bought life insurance policies in their names. And the policy holder doesn't have to disclose these policies to the insured. It's up to the employer to keep paying, but the policy goes on after you quit. All of your former employers could have Dead Peasant insurance on you, to cash you out one way or the other. It's unclear who is selling Dead Peasant insurance to Walmart, Coca-cola and other major corporate employers, but it is clear that the entire corporate system is at war with the populace.

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I haven't seen any information about him developing or even assisting in the development of mRNA technology. Can you please provide me some pointers?

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Dr. Martin didn't work on DNA related tech. He worked on the intellectual property side, developing software that could value patents in the biological field. For shots to get in arms in 2020, many patents had to be bought and sold by many entities. His company facilitated and expedited the patent acquisition process. That's where Martin's novelty and his patented technology played a role. It's my belief that they couldn't have done it without him. I would like to hear him talk about that.

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Can you please give me sources of this information both his "trading in patents" and his involvement of the invention of "mRNA jabs could've gotten in arms in 2020 without the tech" ? It seems incredible he would do either as he was so critical of the patent applicants let alone participate in their invention. Also the source of this: "[he along with others] provided unique knowledge and technology that had to be in place for the jabs to roll out". I find it hard to comprehend so I really need to see the sources of this information please.

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Dr. Martin's company website explains his company's product: https://www.m-cam.com/about-us/. Here is another useful link that provides a good starting place for research: https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-david-martin/

I am speculating that the poison jabs could not have been produced in 2020 without his technology. It is my view that Martin, Malone, and Baric were integral to the rollout and the timing (and let's not forget Dr. David Boulware at the University of Minnesota, whose study proved that hydroxychloroquine can't be used to treat covid, even though we all know that it can). The Boulware paper allowed the jabs to be authorized for emergency use. Dr. Martin's proprietary technology allowed the patents to be acquired by the entities that needed them at warp speed. My power of deduction is the source of my understanding. This process, which is natural and native to me, is foreign and unnatural to many in our age. I've been wrong before, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking. In fact, being wrong and getting corrected is the most valuable and instructive aspect of the deductive process. I would like to hear Dr. Martin address the issue of his company's role in the warp speed roll-out of the poison jabs. I expect that he would own it, because he hasn't done anything wrong.

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I am familiar with the work David Martin's company developed to assess intangible assets. He developed the public equity index – the CNBC IQ100.

I can find nothing at all about him trading in patents OR any link between this technology and the development of the mRNA jabs or even just mRNA technology. I can find no evidence for your statement: "I am speculating that the poison jabs could not have been produced in 2020 without his technology." In fact on the contrary, using his algorithm for the assessment of patents he found those mRNA patents most of which were duplicated and represented to the patent offices for the mRNA technologies well before (about a decade or more) before the jabs using it were rolled out as "new" technology. In other words I can see nothing whatever to back your speculation but plenty for the contrary. "Dr. Martin's proprietary technology allowed the patents to be acquired by the entities that needed them at warp speed." The processes were developed to create the mRNA technologies by the companies that wanted to use them. Those companies submitted, modified and resubmitted their own patent applications for the technologies until they could get the approvals to go ahead with mRNA products such as the jabs. Martin's development to study patents was totally divorced from the patent applications made. It wasn't as though people came along and used his quantitative indices of public equities and found the technologies and bought patents off the developing companies. That's not how it happened. The companies that applied for the patents used them themselves to develop the jabs etc - although there was some trading between companies such as the ones Malone had developed them for and for which he was not able to claim to be the developer or owner of those patents once he left them. But even if there had been trading in any patents Martin as the developer of the financial assets algorithms for the determining the value of patents, cannot possibly be implicated in the use of any patents whatever. Your speculation is a bit like saying the govt who built a train line connecting where some crims lived to a shop they robbed were somehow responsible for the robbery. It's that remote.

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I agree that he can't be implicated, regardless of whether his work facilitated the timing of the roll-out or not. In your view, Dr. Martin's company did not expedite or facilitate the roll-out of the jabs in 2020. I find that difficult to accept, and I would still like to hear him address the issue. Thank you for your kind response.

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"Dr. Martin went to a Mennonite high school in Pennsylvania, and a Mennonite college in Indiana. ...That seems very rebellious for someone so Amish."

Just to be clear, while Mennonites and Amish both have Anabaptist roots, they are not the same religion. Mennonites tend to be more individualistic in their religious practices, while the Amish are more communitarian. Amish also tend to be much stricter in respect of technology and dress.

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On the sliding scale of Amishness, Mennonites are almost all the way Amish. My family hasn't been Amish for 150 years and I'm still so Amish that I won't get a tattoo.

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LOL! I'm not Amish or Mennonite but I won't get a tattoo either!

I've met Mennonites that have run the gamut, some of them using electricity and power tools, and even computers, while others are very close to Amish in their habits, using very little technology. I've noticed that some Mennonites are not as strict in their clothing requirements, particularly the men. I think it depends on where the communities are.

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David Martin has freemasonic symbolism on his website. He is not who he says he is...so how much truth is 'he' telling...10%, 50%, 90%,....can't trust anyone with freemasonic ties.

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Well, just had a look on his website, and... nope, not a single piece of Freemason symbolism that I can see.

Then again, I might be wrong. Happy to be shown how and why.

Ball's in your court...

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He has on his arm a tattoo of a Luciferic symbol, it's likely that he was part of a masonic lodge, but just because of that you cannot throw him overboard. Many truth tellers are whistleblowers. How else can one have so much specific knowledge?

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Could be a limited hangout too I guess.

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Have a look....https://www.m-cam.com/about-us/ He's also an invert.

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Do you mean the Eye of Horus symbol? The Da Vinci Vitruvian Man?

What's 'invert' mean in this context?

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Hes still is talking facts,, its a criminal , but the Courts are suspending any action by us dissenters!

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I think you're confusing the MCAM symbol where the letters are worked into one another. But there's no seeing eye or pyramid structure that can be claimed to be masonic.

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Hes a straight shooter,, being following him for a few years!

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Does anyone have an idea of the date of this Dr. David Martin interview?

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he speaks of 67 days left to the election.... Nov 5 is day 309, 309-67= 242, and that would be aug 30, so indeed on August 29th, there were 67 days left till the election.

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Mega thanks!

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Does anyone have an idea of the date of this Dr. David Martin interview?

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Thank you, Dr David Martin .

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