Aug 16Liked by Robin Westenra

Go back to Enoch Powell British MP 1973-85 and his famous speech I think 💭 t was called rivers of blood. That was when only 50,000 immigrants a year were entering Britain. He predicted all of this- way ahead of his time. It was also around this time that the UN Lima agreement was signed. That’s when immigration with integration changed to immigration with multiculturalism. I’m in Australia, and our current government doesn’t s considering allowing immigrants to take citizenship ceremonies in their own language. There is even local councils setting. Aside new subdivisions for Indians or Muslims. When I speak to older immigrants the ones who came after WW 2 they recognise the difference and also don’t like the direction our country takes s going.

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I became acutely aware of the immigrant crisis in 2008 when i was made redundant and was forced to sign with a number of employment agencies to make ends meet. As a lorry driver I was travelling all over the country delivering goods. I noticed that pretty well everywhere I went there were immigrants working there. At one place near Heathrow airport I asked three people regarding unloading none of whom spoke English, the forth person I spoke could speak good English and it turns out he interpreted for the others. Their was a guy I knew who was seeking to get a raise who was told that his boss could get lots of Poles who would do the job for the pay he was currently on.

It's about time the the ordinary working man in this country made himself heard. I am ok with immigration but what we've suffered especially 2004 when we opened our borders to ten formerly non EU countries is invasion not immigration.

What happens if you complain about this invasion is you are then accused of racism, but the people who say that are not affected by the influx of no or low skill immigrants who then proceed to take the jobs of the indigenous people. What also amazes me is why the trade unions have not been vociferous about the threats to there members livelihoods, it could be that as some people say what is happening here is a communist plot to collectivise the World and as most trade union hierarchy are socialist/communist sympathisers should I expect anything else?

Anyway thanks Robin for you posts and long may you reign.

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The ‘West’ has created wars and chaos through the Middle East that have killed and injured millions and displaced millions more as refugees throughout Europe. UK political parties such a Reform and people like Douglas Murray complain about immigration but they never complain about the disgustingly evil causes of immigration.

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The problem is we the British public should be more vocal regarding our countries involvement in wars, that we not only pay for but also pay for the aftermath of those wars, double whammy!

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