Men with common sense speak volumes . Thank you .

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Seems like the Israeli's will resort to The Sampson Option...and the US will join them as well and do the same. This means if the US and Israel can't be top dogs in the sand pit and control all the toys, it plans to throw all the toys out and destroy the sandbox out of spite.


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Funnel , drive the prey into a smaller and smaller opening, make them think that that is the way out.

X marks the spot.

The ABUSERS are fully busted . A previously censored paper from The Lancet has now undergone peer review and is available online. The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/lancet-journal-study-finds-73-9-deaths-following/

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