Well...honestly...if Russia fires back with a hypersonic missile, I hope Blinken's house gets hit first. If Russia hits Europe, hope van der Leyen, Schwab, and the EU are the first to go. What can anyone say? Citizens everywhere are demanding peace efforts, negotiations, and the cessation of continued hostilities from their governments while the Rothschild-UN-Club of Rome-U.S. .gov can't seem to quench their bloodlust. Just like Israel. Does anyone else get this creepy feeling that Israel's continued bloodbath represents an old-fashioned blood ritual? They're placating the God of Blood for power and continued control over all. Isn't this what blood rituals supposedly conveyed? The transfer of power from the vanquished blood of those murdered to those doing the murder? Like the Mayans used to do. Put the body over the altar with the curved belly upward and slice and dice forthwith. They identically mimic animals you see in wildlife studies where they attack and bring down an animal and then ravage them in a gory scene eating from the inside out. And then people marvel at the rapid pace of technology. Ooohh, yeah.

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SO Blinken has the power to declare war for the USA? and he's related at least tribally to Benjamin Netanyahu

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Does this administration crave war? Every foreign policy is wrong.

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