IMHO this is more B/S. I bet dollars to donuts the symptoms of this will be common among any sort of respiratory disease, just as covid symptoms were mostly the same as flu. The only problem is you've got to believe in the virus theory - most people do without looking at the compelling evidence that says otherwise.

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Maybe. But as long as they use a false-positive generating PCR test to diagnose any infectious disease, it is bullshit until proven otherwise. And that's what they're using to test for bird flu ...

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I felt blessed to have come across his interview the day I saw it! I told me everything I needed to know … that it’s complete BS!

What he said is true & verifiable in science that it is terribly hard in a natural environment for a “virus” to cross species bc of the Amino acid barrier.

So he’s effectively telling everyone if you see this outbreak it’s bc it happened in a laboratory first & was engineered to happen 🥴

Quantum physics & Epigenetic’s say if we don’t vibrate at the rate of the “thing” then we won’t get or experience the “thing” .. thing being a virus or fear or whatever have you.

Anyhoo — great article!

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