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the "tommy robinson" video is available on jew tube because they want it aired, they want to re-focus attention from where it should be facing, toward the evil entity that is "israel"

this article from 2022 is so absurdly pertinent as to be breathtaking:


what is intended to spring forth from all this chaos is likely far, far worse than we imagined.

the pincer grip of societal unrest, poverty of fuel and food, the dark cloud of war, real or imagined and not least a "world level disease" of deathly consequence.... you know the one i mean

as the last few years have enlightened many as to what Our world actually is and more importantly what it could so easily be, the threat of all that positivity looks set to be washed away by a tide, a tsunami of fear, selfishness, depravity, loss and hardship.

all those "on the fence" who were coming round nicely from their slumber will revert to type in a moment, life for Us is possibly about to get very lonely, maybe very dangerous

would such things change your mind.... ? "not in this lifetime" mate ;0)

as so many have hinted this entire thing comes down/up to the spiritual level and requires up to be down, black to become white, dark to become light...

this is what lies behind the kabbalic play being used to bring Us all to Our doom...

the basic back to front ideology was (helpfully) portrayed very vividly (for spell casting reasons) during the most recent "eurovision" song contest, see here:


Getting your head around a 3500 year old con job and its implications, motivations and indeed destinations is not intended to be EASY, that is the point..

There are various words that describe the culmination of the intended plan, "terra-forming", "take-over", "usurpation", "theft"..

Only when You understand that Your Soul belongs here, in this Realm and those who are attempting to take it from Us DO NOT belong here will You grasp the gravity of the situation..

Why, Why, Why ? so convoluted, so drawn out so complex? becuase there are RULES, LAWS that are infinite, permanent, immovable, primarliy described as Consent...

We must Consent for Our world to be taken from Us, only then can the theft evade the Universal laws... chew on that for a moment, please

Back to the backwards doctrine, this explains at least in part (in their own words) how the spell casting, karma swopping deception is carried out, its a biggy, its not going to sit well with many, truth rarely does:


a recent random conversation had on ye olde substack with someone well versed in the nature of these creatures descibes them as a "guerilla warfare tactical group" that came here from a lower dimension in order to steal Our world, everything this group accuses Us of being "evil", "souless", "cattle", "un-clean" are direct accusations of their own nature, true, total inversion based on jealousy of what We are and where We live and they will burn this world rather than lose this battle, that little jem really does need to sink in...

a conversation with a "norm" yesterday informed me that the current mindset among the masses, the ones not driven by misplaced hatred toward their christian or muslim brothers and sisters is that "its all too big", "too much to cope with", "what can i do?"

So, understanding the truth has become taboo, becuase understanding the truth damages them.

Apocalypse of revelation: the removal of the veil of deceit that has been placed over the eyes of the Gentiles

i know quite well an Egyptian chap, very well educated in an extraordinary diverse range of subjects involving ancient history theology, religion and spirituality, he told me many years ago that it is a revelation when looking into the eyes of a "jew" and "israeli" to understand that this thing has no soul, just a cold empty expanse of dark matter, this has to be experienced for oneself to fully grasp the meaning.

they may appear in human avatar but that is where it ends

how can One know your enemy when your enemy is un-knowable?

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