Further to my article from yesterday…
This morning, after yesterday’s article, I came across this article from Ukraine
Commenting on the sympathy of the Ukrainian elite for Judaism, the OCU cleric called on the citizens of Ukraine to accept this religion, "and then we'll see."
"Priest" Vasyl Kosyachenko called on the citizens of Ukraine to accept Judaism, since the top officials of the state show sympathy for this religion, and it can unite the country and defeat the Russian Federation. He wrote about this in the comments to the post of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Reuven Azman on Facebook about the lighting of the Menorah by the head of the National Guard.
"To defeat Putin's Russia, we need a religion that unites us. If the President of Ukraine, the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard are inclined to Judaism, then maybe let's all the citizens of Ukraine accept Judaism? We will defeat the enemies, and then we'll see. After all, it is clear that Ukraine will be occupied, having such a worldview that the citizens of Ukraine now have," the "priest" wrote.
The Jewish Zelensky has banned the Russian Orthodox church in Ukraine
Holy sites have been desecrated
Just weeks after the state of Ukraine expelled the Orthodox Church from the Upper Lavra in Kiev and invited the unordained schismatics to serve in the Holy Dormition Cathedral, a concert was held in the sacred monastery that featured a song about murdering Russians.
I would like to emphasise this comment, especially the last paragraph:
I'm impressed with your thorough research, Robin. You've exerted a great deal of energy.
I'm among the minority who consider Christianity and Judaism, as practiced today, primitive religions. They interest me little. I also suppose that I'll be long gone when they impose the Noahide Laws if they do. In any case, they either kill me or I do so because I live under no man's law. What "God said to Moses, their messenger"? Ludicrous fairy tale leading to mental derangements.
The secret is reincarnation. They think an individual lives one life. They think all value resides in the material life. Even early Christianity understood and accepted reincarnation. To understand the Christ, one must understand reincarnation. Otherwise, the reader remains in a fanciful story...a story told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Rather interesting to consider that Israel is enforcing Noahide Law in Gaza, southern Lebanon, and Syria.
Your article also correctly identifies the root cause: the European Jews are largely the Khazars. Their history has been suppressed by cabalists. Understanding the ferocity of Israeli extermination toward others in the Middle East is to understand the Khazar temperament. Remember, they do what serves them. They believe what furthers them materially and in physicality is morally and ethically correct and justified.
The early Khazars worshipped Shiva Lingam...the male principle symbolized by the penis in Hinduism. Traditionally, the Lingam is worshipped with the Yoni or vagina. The Khazars never did. What does this tell you?
I suspect they came not from Russian steppes but via steppes from India...where I suspect they were driven into exile and/or vanquished in battle. Note the Jews enforce the practice of cutting the male foreskin which becomes further tribute to the penis. The penis to them symbolizes activity (Yang) through the male principle of domination, assertiveness, overwhelming power, and essentially "might makes right."
I've just described Israel's conduct in Gaza. The wise male is tempered by the female because wisdom comes through the heart. There is no temperance in Gaza. The female principle has fled. Only Khazars remain fueled by sheer brutality and vision obfuscated by the male drive unimpeded which produces "laws" like the Noahide Laws. Sheer rubbish.
The Zionist Khazars are paving the way for a return to their new/old home state. Genocide as many Ukrainians as possible to make more room for them. Convert the survivors to Judaism...how convenient. The new "Promised Land."
That has been the Zionist plan all along. Kill as many Christians as possible by cultivating conflict. Then create an Israeli expansion state.