Exactly, plant more trees, problem solved! These Jack Offs think everyone is stupid! We are at War with these people and desperate times, mean desperate measures!
F$#CK the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Leonardo DeCaprio, Pedo Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore and well you know the rest of the Demons who will burn in Hell!!
the WEF are evil but this seems to be unsubstantiated, no evidence of WEF saying that, no evidence that WEF _funds_ umich. i hope you can prove me wrong….
“ This Article is based on the FEW-meter project, funded by the ESRC (UK, grant no. ES/S002170/2), BMBF (Germany, grant no. 01LF1801A), ANR (France, grant no. ANR-17-SUGI-0001-01), NSF (USA, Belmont Forum 18929627), the National Science Centre (Poland, grant no. 2017/25/Z/HS4/03048) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (GA no. 730254) under the JPI Urban Europe’s call ‘SUGI FWE Nexus’.”
So if you just stick seeds in your garden, how is that going to be anywhere near the carbon footprint of a small farm with a tractor driving all over the fields for fertilising, spraying pesticide and for harvesting, then reploughing?
(By the way, I do support small farms) it's all lies.
The WEF can fuck off. They don’t own me or anyone else. They can’t tell me what I can and can’t do. Ignore them and they will go away.
We need more CO2, not less.
Exactly, plant more trees, problem solved! These Jack Offs think everyone is stupid! We are at War with these people and desperate times, mean desperate measures!
Where does the WEF say this? I have no love for the WEF, but such a ridiculous claim needs to be verified.
ELITE meaning "a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
ABUSERS meaning
a person ( or Government) who treats another person or animal with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
"abusers often control the victim's access to friends and family"
Search "Cycle of abuse chart "and apply it to our own Governments. This is on our watch and once we understand we have power to reveal and stop it.
F$#CK the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Leonardo DeCaprio, Pedo Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore and well you know the rest of the Demons who will burn in Hell!!
the WEF are evil but this seems to be unsubstantiated, no evidence of WEF saying that, no evidence that WEF _funds_ umich. i hope you can prove me wrong….
for reference here is the original paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s44284-023-00023-3
and here’s the funding, to save your tldr:
“ This Article is based on the FEW-meter project, funded by the ESRC (UK, grant no. ES/S002170/2), BMBF (Germany, grant no. 01LF1801A), ANR (France, grant no. ANR-17-SUGI-0001-01), NSF (USA, Belmont Forum 18929627), the National Science Centre (Poland, grant no. 2017/25/Z/HS4/03048) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (GA no. 730254) under the JPI Urban Europe’s call ‘SUGI FWE Nexus’.”
So if you just stick seeds in your garden, how is that going to be anywhere near the carbon footprint of a small farm with a tractor driving all over the fields for fertilising, spraying pesticide and for harvesting, then reploughing?
(By the way, I do support small farms) it's all lies.