David Icke says it!
Simple - a lifetime of incessant programming plus the perceptual effects of the fake vaccine. Much of the human race is suffering from induced mental illness - and not only on the 'Woke Left' either. I feel for young people today - they have been subjected to the most profoundly extreme mind control through Woke parents, schools, universities, media, peer pressure, and technology.
Ironically, few are more programmed than the unquestioning Christian Right who seek saviours, fall to their knees to them, and call it being 'alternative'.
“I hope I die before I get old” screeched The Who back in 1965. I was 17 then, 77 today.
I never planned to drop dead in protest, but watching how it’s all gone south since has been essentially witnessing a dark farce play out in real time. So much of our shiny secular modernity has produced debilitating results. Junk food, junk ideas, and crippled capacity for critical thinking. Too many people are just out of their minds now.
I think these people have been propagandised by the left into being terrorised by the right winning and in particular 'Trump' winning. It smacks of the climate hysteria and Greta Thunberg and 'how dare you' moment. Please stay calm and rational. The swamp that is big government driven by banking and corporate interests need to end and hopefully Trump can be the one who starts the process and his entourage can be the ones carrying the cleaning out. The left have never really had the answers to human prosperity and the more desperate they got the more communist they got.
Hopefully the world will be a better place but as long as the US hegemony continues and the gangster tactics employed by them to satisfy their masters continues they will continue to be hated by what may be the majority of the World. I hope that the omens prove wrong and that the evil that has been carried out by the US and the their friends ceases and the World will truly improve the lot of the people of the Earth.