After several days of nervous energy around my confrontation with my quack I feel absolutely exhausted so will limit my options to this
Yesterday, there were several things that caught my attention.
The first was this commentary from someone I don’t know (presumably an Arab), which gave the best commentary I have heard.
This is how much of the ‘rest’ of the world will be reacting to the circus that was called a presidential debate.
In this scathing analysis, we dissect the recent debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, exposing the rot and decay of the American empire.
The debate was a spectacle of decline, with both candidates revealing their contempt for the population and their willingness to perpetuate war crimes and human rights abuses.
We explore how the power structure holds the population in utter disdain, using them as pawns in their game of global domination.
The debate was a stark reminder that the US empire is in terminal decline, and that its downfall will be a blessing for the rest of the world. From the occupation of Palestine to the war in Ukraine, we examine the criminal policies of both candidates and the devastating impact they have on innocent lives.
We also delve into the factions behind each candidate, exposing the neocons and the private sector elite who are driving the US towards isolation and withdrawal from the world stage.
This video is a wake-up call to the American people, urging them to recognize the reality of their country's decline and the need for radical change.
It's also a message of hope to the rest of the world, that the end of the US empire will bring about a new era of freedom and liberation.
Basically, he says the American Empire is not going to recover and desribes Biden as “a carcass on a string”.
There is no difference between a Trump or a Biden. They are too sides of the same coin and represent two different factions in US politics.
As the citizen of a country that is a member of the Five Eyes and is determined to be washed down the same drain as the USA I can say it gives me no pleasure to admit it and to admit that China in the future may rule the roost in our part of the world.
Then there was Col. Douglas MacGregor":
The second piece was a speech by journalist and theologian, Chris Hedges donning a dog collar in which he talks about “the crucifixion of Julian Assange” in a speech dating back to 2023.
I delivered this sermon at the St. James Church of Culture, Aug. 20, 2023 to celebrate Julia Assange and his groundbreaking work to reveal the truth about the powers of the world in their pursuit of maintaining and expanding their brutal hegemony.
In incredibly apt language he describes prophets as often faulty people who burn with a desire for the truth even to the point of death and he describes Julian Assange in those terms.
Often, everything is described in terms of “Right vs Left” but I think this is unhelpful to say the least.
What remains of the “Left”, just like a minority on the “Right” is anti-war and anti-imperialist.
It is all about truth.
The language will be different but I can find things that both “sides” have to say helpful.
The sole criterion is whether they are speaking the truth, and not lying.
Here is Tucker Carlson in Canberra where in the words of Maria Zeee “wiped the floor with the Australian legacy media”
Here he is in Sydney, where he had some choice words about Jacinda Adren as well as commenting on the “election debate”
There was quite a lot on the Tucker speech in the world media but silence from Australian media which was strange given the interest in the talk.
I did, however, find this attack piece from the Sydney Morning Herald
Tucker Carlson’s message for his Australian faithful
Retirees knocking balls around the quaint Canberra Croquet Club on Tuesday didn’t know that a conservative flamethrower was just metres away.
But Tucker Carlson – the former American Fox News host who has been floated as a possible vice president to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump – was riling up a sold-out local audience, including federal MPs, with a tirade against liberalism and Western hegemony. Vaccine companies, woke corporations, and non-MAGA conservatives were his targets.
For a commentary by Maria Zeee go HERE
Of course, my mind keeps going to my “consultation” with my quack a few days ago and when it does (not so often actually), the similarity between this “doctor” and what he was trying to get me to accept - the mendacity and what the blob media have to say is unmistakable.
You think that the world is waking up and then you see them doubling down
CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 27 recommended forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines for virtually all Americans.
“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.
Baker is the worst of pharma shills. Kiwis by now should see that clearly.