When covid was raging my to-go site was Critically Thinking. I have a great respect and trust, in particular for Drs Tenpanny and Pavlevsky (who appears prominently in my book, the Death of Medicine. It is disappointing to see a “circling of the wagons” around Carrie Madej who is most certainly guilty of negligence or worse.
Open Letter to the “The 5 Doc’s”
By Jana Bennun
Open Letter to the “Critically Thinking” Group of The 5 Doc’s
This letter is directed to The 5 Doc’s, the self-proclaimed “Critically Thinking” group of The 5 Doc’s: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, Dr. Northrup, and former Dr. Carrie Madej. Specifically, I am addressing Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, and Dr. Northrup.
I aim to briefly explain a complex and distressing situation that occurred in our home:
On Saturday, May 27, 2023, we engaged in a written conversation with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny via Skype chat. During this discussion, we informed her that Carrie Madej had visited our home on December 5, 2021, and injected my wife, myself, and our father, Stefan Suto, with 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 500 ml of dextrose intravenously. Dr. Madej also nebulized Stefan with an improper formula containing 2 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 0.5 ml of water, without saline. We have substantial evidence of these events, including written admissions from Carrie Madej herself.
We informed Dr. Tenpenny that our father, Stefan, particularly suffered a rapid decline following Dr. Madej’s intervention to the point where he could barely eat, drink, or speak. Despite our pleas, Dr. Madej refused to return to assess his condition, which, at the time, we did not realize was due to her improperly administered hydrogen peroxide protocol. She left our family in distress, offering only prayers and claiming to be preoccupied with her own detox regimen and video production. Instead of returning, she mailed us a box of IV supplies, including more peroxide, and recommended repeating the same formula five more times on our father and my wife, Jana.
Stefan was subsequently transferred to a licensed medical facility in Florida, where doctors continued using Dr. Madej’s protocol, adding their own ozonated saline IV and direct ozone gas. These doctors were also part of the so-called “medical freedom” community. Sadly, Stefan passed away a few days later. A forensic autopsy revealed that he died as a result of hydrogen peroxide and other treatments, which caused hemolysis by destroying his red blood cells.
Following Stefan’s death, we investigated the treatments administered by Dr. Madej and the Florida physicians, discovering that these protocols were toxic, unproven, and dangerously inappropriate for human use. Dr. Madej’s administration of 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide was a toxic overdose. She caused significant pain and suffering without ever providing a consent form or warning us of the potential dangers of her treatment.
We have filed a lawsuit against Dr. Madej for her actions, as she has refused to take responsibility. We have also reported her to the Georgia Medical Board, urging them to investigate whether her hydrogen peroxide formula complies with any accepted medical standards. Upon learning of the lawsuit, Dr. Madej voluntarily surrendered her medical license, joining a “sovereign citizen” movement, and falsely claimed that she relinquished her license due to persecution. Regrettably, many, including you, have accepted this false narrative.
Dr. Madej has shown contempt for the legal process, refusing to defend herself or appear in court proceedings. The judge found her liable for Stefan’s death, and we are now awaiting an award for punitive damages.
We retain all correspondence with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who expressed horror when she learned the details of Dr. Madej’s protocol, calling it a “poison.” In writing, Dr. Tenpenny stated, “Dose makes a poison,” and even suggested that Dr. Madej’s actions could be criminal. However, Dr. Tenpenny also expressed concern that if the public became aware of what occurred, her “business” or “movement” could suffer.
Days later, when my wife, Jana, requested a private conversation with Dr. Tenpenny to discuss the incident in detail, Dr. Tenpenny refused, stating she saw no reason to be involved. She has since declined further communication with us. Astonishingly, despite her knowledge of Dr. Madej’s actions, Dr. Tenpenny invited her onto her program and promoted her publicly.
Dr. Northrup, we have video evidence of an interview you conducted with Dr. Madej just two months before she visited our home. In that interview, Dr. Madej publicly disclosed that she uses food-grade hydrogen peroxide intravenously and in a nebulizer. She specifically stated her formula was 5-6 ml of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 500 ml of saline. However, when she treated us, she injected 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide into a 500 ml dextrose bag—more than four times the concentration she publicly stated on your program. During the interview, you appeared to agree with and support her protocol. We would like to understand your response to what happened to us and how you view the drastic discrepancy between the protocol Dr. Madej publicly described and what she actually administered.
After Stefan’s death, we thoroughly investigated these treatments ourselves. As Israeli News Live, we have always respected the doctors in your movement, offering our platform during the COVID pandemic so your voices could be heard. Dr. Madej was a guest in our home, where we provided her with care, food, shelter, and financial support, even encouraging our audience to support her.
We now ask you—Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, and Dr. Northrup—why you continue to promote and tolerate Dr. Madej among you, knowing exactly what she has done. Would any of you subject yourselves or others to an injection of 21 ml of hydrogen peroxide? What evidence do you have that this protocol is safe or appropriate?
Moreover, Dr. Madej has misled you in other matters, falsely claiming that 911 responders demanded her COVID status, social security number, and health insurance information during a plane crash. We have obtained the full 911 call recording, and it clearly shows her allegations are untrue, yet you have allowed these lies to be presented as fact on your platforms.
We formally request that your group contact us at Israeli News Live to have an open discussion on these matters. We are prepared to present our evidence, and we invite you to make your statements. To contact us, please email us at israelinewslive@protonmail.com.
This is our first public request to the “Critically Thinking” The 5 Doc’s. If we do not hear from you, further public requests will follow, along with the publication of all supporting evidence on our website.
Steve Ben-Nun
Israeli News Live
Must admit that Dr Madej always seemed seemed too pretty to be taken seriously, also she kept on about her Christianity. It is becoming more and more difficult to trust anyone especially if they can be seen as pushing an agenda that is not fully related to the one that is formost in their arguments.
No winder believers are falling by the wayside. Please all of you think about what you are doing and if it’s disingenuous stop it at once. If as you say you trust in God don’t woory about your reputation or finances just be honest.
Thank you for publishing this Robin; to me, this is highly important info. I've followed this story for months now, more people really need to know about this story re: Dr. Madej.