I suggest this for any New Zealanders who have curiosity and want to to help understand how New Zealand got where it is today.
First some older articles
A detectable ghoulish signalling of a group game was encoded into the hosting of the 13th anniversary for the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, on 22 February 2024 at the Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor, Steve Snoopman, shows how and why the prime number 13 is embedded in ‘news worthy’ events by ruling élites to procure political marriages, to display unity, encode caution and to signal who to scapegoat to de-escalate scandals — lest they snowball into crises. The meta-data reveals an élite state-corporate criminal group operated a cartel to exploit the Christchurch Earthquake Rebuild, as well as the Kaikōura Earthquake Recovery.
Overview: The bombing of Greenpeace’s Pacific Ocean flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland, New Zealand on July 10 1985, was inflicted to send a ‘price of power’ warning signal to the Western Empire’s ruling élites. The ‘Morse Code’ embedded in the Rainbow Warrior Bombing communicated to Western élites a sinister directive to get their domestic grassroots movements — including anti-nuclear activists — back under control.
Four Western Alliance countries — France, the Netherlands, Norway and Italy — as well as Japan and Singapore, worried that if there was not a cost inflicted on New Zealand, anti-nuclear activists elsewhere would be emboldened and their defiance might snowball into widespread rebellion.
A theatrical quality underscored three political conflicts: the U.S. nuclear powered and armed warships, the ANZUS military alliance, and the bombing of Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior. This theater was encoded with a ‘price of power’ theme, with an ensemble cast of characters performing to sub-plot scripts. Like all big criminal plots, not everything went according to plan. Yet, the planners ultimately got away with the perfect crime, because they still achieved their over-arching objectives by bombing Greenpeace’s seahorse, despite its symbolism-laden scripting.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman locates the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior within the then-secret warfare waged by all of NATO’s member nations, whose security services, or special units of the army or special police either directly or indirectly engaged in subversion, sabotage and terrorism of communist organizations, groups or characters.
According to French Army’s DGSE agents, they were told Greenpeace had been infiltrated by the KGB and was funded by the Soviet Union. This ridiculous cover story only worked because of a ‘tyranny of distance’ which in effect was the fulcrum upon which bomb plot pivoted. But this ‘tyranny of distance’ which was supposed to be weighted in France’s favour, tipped in favor of New Zealand’s Police as an ‘orgie of evidence’ indicating a ’French Connection’ occurred quicker than anticipated.
Snoopman shows the decision by France’s Minister Defence, Charles Hernu, to opt for bombing the Greenpeace ship is consistent with the findings of authors who have investigated NATO’s low grade war, which is now referred to generally as Operation Gladio. That low-grade war, which involved bombings, mass shootings and assassinations were inflicted across Western Europe and were blamed on left-wing communist groups, with idea to shift the political centre of gravity to the right, by equating peace, democracy and freedom with right wing governments associated with capitalism.
Thus, French President François Mitterrand (1981-1995) support of the mission, code-named Opération Sataniqué, was consistent with this secret war, Operation Gladio, that was waged against civilian populations. Even when Operation Gladio came to light in 1990, Mitterrand’s government denied it’s involvement. His successor Jacques Chirac maintained the code of silence.
The French were inflicting tough love to their New Zealand counterparts, who were expected to eventually work out who the culprits were, but after the DGSE had skipped the country. And Opération Sataniqué would appear to have been Mitterrand’s opportunity to signal France would once again be all-in with NATO. Mitterand led France back into NATO’s integrated military command structure, after President Charles de Gaulle had expelled NATO’s headquarters from Paris in 1966.
The 10/7 Rainbow Warrior Bombing was the catalyzing event that delivered David Lange’s Labour Party back into power two years later. Crucially, the bombing deflected the attention of left-wing activists away from the economic issues that followed the Rockefellerite-driven ‘silent coup’ of 1984, and their energy was re-focused onto the nuclear issue.
Because New Zealand had been stealthily cast as a test-lab for the infliction of Shock Doctrine economic warfare policies in a developed, Anglo-Saxon state of the Western Empire — a brutal intervention was pursued the save losing control over the far-flung South Pacific archipelago.
Industrial Sabotage, Ritual Terrorism, and Police State Formation in New Zealand
» » Overview of the heretical dispatches “Terror Archipelago Down Under?” « «
This series sketches 13 crises as ‘jolts’ that seem to be timed to coincide with concurrent or looming events to justify more resources and security, while also compromising a new administration or providing a distraction to maintain power.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman surveys the curious coincidences of calamities, catastrophes, or crises, that appear to riff off historical events. The history riffs link by thematic elements to the crisis at hand.
Such historical riffings are one striking feature of the tragedies, accidents and shocks associated with New Zealand. However, this pattern is not unique to the South Pacific archipelago. They indicate ritual displays of power by élite networks.
Into the Erebus Abyss — Air New Zealand Flight TE901 Rabbit Hole Redux
Overview: Mount Erebus Disaster: Air New Zealand Flight TE901, 28 Nov. 1979
The crash of an Air New Zealand DC-10 in Antarctica in 1979 is re-examined in this dispatch as a possible coup d’état designed to threaten the Establishment to move bureaucratic mountains for the planned trans-corporate heist of the economy.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman probes the crooked competence, coiling circumstances and the crony chesspieces that belie a catalytic crisis with so many mistakes, the ‘accident’ seems ‘too stupid to be stupid’.
Snoopman also highlights the curious coincidences, that appear to riff off historical events with such uncanny frequency, they seem to whistle a ‘history rhymes’ tune.
He contends the South Pacific archipelago has been subjected to a secret, sinister ‘strategy of tension’ for over four decades to shift its political center of gravity away from being a centrally-planned democratic socialist state to a centrally-planned technocratic police state, while serving a closet talisman-pivot state function.
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