Why Is The Media Being So Quiet About The Radioactive Material That Has Gone Missing In New Jersey?
DEC 18, 2024
Something extremely strange has been happening in New Jersey, but the mainstream media has been eerily quiet about some of the most important threads of this story. It turns out that an “air restriction alert” banned flights over Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey for “special security reasons” from November 21st through December 26th. Many people don’t realize this, but counter-terrorism drones have been getting tested at Picatinny for years. In addition, we have learned that radioactive material was reported missing in New Jersey in early December. The following comes directly from the official website of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission…
The following information was provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) via email:
“The licensee reported to NJDEP on December 3, 2024, that a Ge-68 pin source that they sent for disposal has been lost in transit on December 2, 2024. The source is a Eckert & Ziegler model HEGL-0132, with current approximate activity of 0.267 mCi. The shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty. The licensee has filed a claim with the shipper. If the source is not located within the 30 days, the licensee will follow-up with a full written report to include root cause(s) and corrective actions.
“This event is reportable under 10 CFR 20.2201(a)(1)(ii).”
New Jersey Event Report ID number: To be determined
The big corporate news sources in the United States are saying very little about this.
But others are reporting about this incident. For example, the following comes from a British news source…
A piece of medical equipment used for cancer scans was shipped from the Nazha Cancer Center in Newfield on December 2 for disposal, but the ‘shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty.’
The device, known as a ‘pin source,’ contained a small amount of Germanium-68 (Ge-68) that is used to calibrate a medical scanner’s accuracy. If handled without proper gear, it can cause radiation poisoning.
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued an alert for the missing shipment deemed ‘less than a Category 3,’ meaning it could cause permanent injury if mishandled.
A search for this radioactive material is being conducted.
In fact, Belleville Mayor Michael Melham has confirmed that New Jersey state police have issued an alert about the radioactive material that is missing.
So we know that radioactive material is missing in New Jersey.
And we know that law enforcement is involved in the search for that radioactive material.
Could it be possible that the drones that everybody is seeing are involved in that search as well?
According to the Daily Mail, counter-terrorism drones are developed and tested at Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, and that base just happens to be very close to the area where the “mystery drones” were first seen last month…
Official records show the army has been developing and testing ‘counterterrorism’ drones in New Jersey for years, amid claims of a government cover-up.
A 2018 defense contract awarded $50 million to a private robotics company to develop craft capable of creating 3D maps of urban areas for a ‘counter weapons of mass destruction’ program.
The contract was given out by the Army’s Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center (ARDEC), which is located at the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, where mystery drones were first reported last month.
And as I noted earlier, an “air restriction alert” has actually banned air traffic from flying over Picatinny from November 21st to December 26th…
Meanwhile, documents show the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an air restriction alert on November 21 prohibiting flights over the Picatinny base for ‘special security reasons’ through December 26.
Armed with this new information, I think that we are a lot closer to solving this mystery.
But the Biden administration continues to insist that everything is just fine and that nothing unusual is going on…
With public pressure growing and concerned citizens filing a skein reports to authorities, White House national security spokesman John Kirby attempted to confront the fury.
He began his remarks to reporters Monday at a briefing by pointing to the proliferation of hobbyist drones over the sky.
‘There are more than 1 million drones that are lawfully registered with the Federal Aviation Administration here in the United States, and there are thousands of commercial hobbyists and law enforcement drones that are lawfully in the sky on any given day,’ Kirby told reporters.
If the Biden administration had any credibility left, they would certainly be losing it now.
This lost radioactive material is not a serious threat to anyone, and most of the drones that people are seeing are probably coming from Picatinny.
So why lie about it?
Of course they are lying about it because they don’t want people freaking out about “radioactive material”.
Whenever there is any sort of a crisis, the primary goal of the government is to keep people calm.
So we should never expect to get the truth. Instead, we should expect them to tell us whatever they think will keep us docile.
But in this case, there was no need to lie. The amount of radioactive material that was lost is so small that it probably won’t hurt anyone, and the public may be encouraged to hear that drones are out looking for it.
If they are going to tell really big lies about an incident that is quite insignificant, what would they be willing to do if we were facing a major threat?
As global events get really crazy in 2025 and beyond, the American people will desperately need accurate sources of information.
Unfortunately, our government is in the habit of lying to us, and most of the time the mainstream media happily goes along with those lies.
These are not drones at 30.000 ft. Taken today from Chicago to Newark something far more sinister
Latest Gov. updates on Drones confirm they're looking for threats against critical infrastructure
Pentagon press briefing: 12/17/24
Trump says ‘something strange is going on’ with drones
'We Have To Plan For The Worst': Gordon Chang Reveals Terrifying Theory To Explain Mysterious Drones
On "Forbes Newsroom," author and U.S.-China relations expert Gordon Chang shared his insights about the mysterious drones flying above New York and New Jersey, what he thinks President Biden should do, where he thinks they may be coming from, and a theory that they may be seeking out a possible nuclear threat.
"Not a bird, not a plane but a drone" | LiveNOW from FOX
For the Brits it is ‘Russia, Russia, Russia!’
Russian 'sleeper agents' could be behind the mystery drone swarms buzzing over US and UK military bases that have triggered global alarm, a defence chief has warned.
Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon claimed the incursions worldwide may be part of a Kremlin ploy to use covert agents to 'test the waters' and expose weaknesses in the defences of British and American bases.
The veteran commander claimed Putin could have activated sleeper agents - spies on the Russian payroll - to run the brazen series of 'coordinated' operations, which have left government agencies scrambling to respond on both sides of the Atlantic.
Panicked American officials have called for a state of emergency to be declared amid the soaring number of drones invading skies across the east coast, with hundreds spotted in recent weeks.
New Jersey's own senator, Jon Bramnick, even sensationally claimed the US Government was too scared to reveal the answer behind the mystery incursions - as he urged Pentagon defence chiefs to 'come clean' with the American public.
Meanwhile across the Atlantic, drones have been seen brazenly circling US military bases in England - including RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, which is set to become the home for some of America's nuclear weapons. It followed a slew of recent activity by Russian spy ships and reconnaissance aircraft off the British coast last month.
Col de Bretton-Gordon, the former head of the UK's Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment, feared sleeper agents were now at work, using drones to siphon intelligence on response times, troop numbers and kit to lay the groundwork for future attacks on Western bases abroad.
'It’s no secret that there are sleepers and stuff around,' he warned. 'It’s espionage 2.0. It’s the next stage. So, this is absolutely the case.
It is now positively confirmed the numerous Drone sightings in and around New Jersey, New York City, Connecticut are, ***NOT*** "federal government operations."
This information came from a classified briefing in a Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) given today.
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This is the Jew False Flag I've been talking about!
Old T-Rump might not make it to the White House!
Weak reporting by Snyder. He should know better than to fall for the cover story of insignificant amount of radioactive material lost. I work around that amount of radioactive material. Not worth the drone activity.
Russian drones are likely the answer. They are warning us.