I really don’t know what is wrong with an open mind. We can’t know what we can’t know.
Anyway, I don’t think they are “drones”, still less “Iranian motherships”.
They are UFOs which means exactly that- unidentified flying object.
All attention is on New Jersey (perhaps that’s where people are most likely to loose their minds?!, but similar phenomena have been seen in different places from Beijing, China to Boise, Idaho and the UK which is determined to blame it all on the Russians!
People you might expect to have something to say, like David Icke and his Mars-obsessed nemesis, Elon Musk have been silent about this,
I'm keeping an open mind- aliens and other dimensions are possible.
However- all of this looks more like another psy-op by the usual suspects. Wasn't "Project Bluebeam" about simulating these kinds of phenomena?
It’s prob not the US government engaged in yet another psy-op. They’d never do that to us. It’s prob China or Russia!Russia!Russia!