I cannot quite get this out of my head.
My partner, Pam, related this to me in the weekend.
She was speaking to two of her closest friend and talking about the NZ Gene Technology Bill and of course mRNA came up in the conversation. One of her friends asked Pam:
What is mRNA?
I kid you not!
These are two well-educated, normally critically-minded people (one has a degree from Oxford Unversity) and 4 years after the covid plandemic and the covid “vaccines” they still have no idea what mRNA is!
At some stage they decided to throw critical thinking out the window and rely on the endless propaganda on the television news.
I wouldn’t mind betting that they have no idea what a PCR test is even though they have probably had it many times.
They are part of a new phenomenon where people who are locked in time and if they had any critical thinking abilities it only applies to the pre-2020 world.
They are truly living in the Matrix.
This upsets me greatly because they can live unconsciously in that space whereas my partner and I have to take on the burden of seeing the way old and dear friends are going and live with the attendant grief.
It is almost unbearable.
Thus bought tears to my eyes as it resonated with me. It is like they have lost all sensibility. I am not sure what it will take to wake them up.
Experiencing death and cancer due to the v@x and still they sleep walk through the matrix. Truly heartbreaking 💔
100% can relate .