I have to finish the day with my impressions (and they are only that), of what promised to be the start of the World War 3 and finished off being far (very far) from that.
I started the day with a piece of superb analysis from ex-CIA analyst, Larry Johnson and ex-British diplomat, Alistair Crookes. If you want to know how intelligence analysts work (even if only with open-source material) then this is it.
Listen to the opening comments and the worry was palpable and seemed to reinforce Hal Turner’s reported discussion with a retired Israeli Brigadier General.
After checking Hal Turner’s website and finding nothing I turned to Twitter X and found news about American refuelling jets on their way to Iran.
Then I found tweets saying that Israel was attacking Iran. It all sounded pretty dire and then finally Hal Turner produced one article:
UPDATED 6:26 PM EDT -- U.S. Deploys at least ** TWELVE ** Air-Refueling Strato-Tankers to Middle East -- Israel-Iran Attack
And then another.
Pretty soon, I began to divine from various tweets that things were not going at all well for Israel. Prof Marandi reported having reported not having heard anything and checking with contacts around Iran and finding people asleep.
Other tweets made light of it. Vanessa Bealey reported that 100 Israeli jets had succeeded in hitting a puddle and that she was going to sleep.
Bravado, one might think.
Finally, it became obvious that two waves of Israeli attacks had achieved nothing and Iranian air defences had succeeded in shooting down the missiles or drones.
When Iran attacked Israel there was no mistake - there were 100s of them and they hit their targets.
I started listening to Hal Turner’s radio show and ended up turning it off after less than 15 minutes because it was at such variance with what was the reality.
One example (and I do not know if this was something Turner dutifully reported one was a tweet that reported that the Israelis had just bombed near Tehran, the capital , and Karaj city, and at at least 5 to 10 loud explosions had been heard.
The problem was the explosions are not in Tehran. The video was recorded a few nights ago in Beirut, Lebanon.
I found that similar things were being reported by Hal Turner, Blazing Press and even Canadian Prepper, all citing ISRAELI sources reporting from 1000 miles away.
We KNOW what Israeli media is; it is HASBARA, the official Israeli doctrine of deception and none of it can be relied on.
I can only come to the conclusion that these American commentators are coming from a deep assumption that we are either on the cusp of nuclear armageddon or in the End Times.
I have often shared those assumptions but that does not mean that I look at everything through that particular lens.
It could be that the violence just comes from the reaction of an Empire that is in terminal decline.
I can assume that that dying Empire (along with its proxy, Israel) will take us all out before they surrender to the inevitable.
That’s what I think but it is not inevitable.
I do not think that after half the world attending the BRICS summit that the Lords of the Universe are going to be able to use economic sanctions in the way they have.
We cannot interpret these events as they happen.
We have to wait a little while, to let the dust settle before we can even start to analyse what really happened today (and it was momentous, whichever way you look at it.
One place to start was this livestream I have have just come off.
If anything is true it is that all talk of an Israeli attack is over.
The Israelis have said it:
It remains only to discuss (with the benefit of hindsight) what it all means.
In the meantime, my advice is to ignore those who say they KNOW what happened.
Yawn. War? Puuhhleeze.
You know what war is? War is unending strikes with missiles which tear apart a country. War is sending armies to overrun physical territory. War is bombs killing every civilian on your street. War is taking advantage of every weakness your opponent presents.
What is not war? Telegraphing everything you're going to do is not war. Talking by back channels with anyone is not war. Missiles producing limited damage is not war. Taking weeks to respond to a "provocation" is not war.
This activity is called "play acting."
And this includes the insufferable drama ongoing in Ukraine which could have been finished in one week if Russia weren't part of the WEF aka New World Order. They should've taken Kiev and thrown that insufferable comedian in jail.
These kinds of activities are called "theatrical plays" where the actors read from scripts and the director moves people around the stage to look real.
Guess what, kids? Mr. Global doesn't want to blow up the world because he wants to control the world. See the difference? He doesn't want a Nuclear Twilight for years covering the world. He's got his underground bunker, but restoring the Earth after that kind of holocaust isn't his cup of tea. His passion is cataloguing every tree, stream, and natural wilderness area for his own use and devising 15-minute cities where you'll live and be happy...or else.
He'd ideally like a neutron bomb which eliminates most if not all the people except himself leaving all the infrastructure and earth's assets untouched.
They tried that with Covid-19 vaccinations but were limitedly successful.
The only real war in the Middle East involves the unlimited and incessant Israeli bombing in Gaza and Lebanon; the citizen round-ups; the lack of food, water, and medicine; etc. All these activities are accomplished with the apparent blessing of the Arab world who only sit on their ass and issue vague warnings and threats content in the knowledge that Mr. Global wants his oil/gas really badly; doesn't want to screw up his gambling on the NYSE which produces "magic money"; and doesn't want to endanger his shipping routes...upon which some of his gambling...uuuhh...market speculation rests.
Defenseless people with no capability to strike back, like Palestinians in Gaza, are the best theater. Because the damage IS real; the suffering so atrocious; and the anguish painfully sustained. Mr. Global can use this "war" to make you believe the "Really Big One is Coming."
Turn off the news. Go back to sleep and pray for the people in Gaza and Lebanon.
Iran may still hit back even if Israel's attack failed. They have casus belli because it was a clear act of aggression despite its ultimate uselessness. But if Iran is smart, they'll consider waiting until the US election is over and hope that Trump the ultimate Israel fanboy doesn't win, because the Dems don't have a strong pro-Israel voter base and Israel will get less support from them.