This message was put out by Lynda Wharton of NZ and the MRNA
My guess is that the people who went through the last 4 years and think they can put it all behind then will be quite happy to ignore the warning.
For what it’s worth, I have seen no indication that there is any progress that the Therapeutic Goods Act is going to be repealed.
Just released in July 2024
Deemed a "living document" that may be updated following the completion of Phase II Covid Inquiry
BUT As it stands right now, all of the following can be MANDATED
Purpose of the New Zealand Pandemic Plan The New Zealand Pandemic Plan:
A framework for action is based on an established strategy to deal with outbreaks of infectious disease, and forms part of the National Health Emergency Plan1 (Ministry of Health 2015).
The purpose of this plan is to outline the health system and wider all-of-government measures that relevant agencies will consider in response to a pandemic caused by a respiratory pathogen and to provide an overview of the activities they undertake to ensure New Zealand is adequately prepared for a pandemic or events with pandemic potential.
This plan provides an overarching framework for possible actions before, during and after a pandemic. Actions in any pandemic will depend on a range of factors (eg, the population susceptibility, transmissibility and severity associated with the particular disease). Part B of the plan sets out relevant actions.
An enduring feature of all the actions we take will be a strong focus on pae ora, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, proportionality, equity and advice that is grounded in science.
Agencies (including Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora, individual hospitals, regional emergency management agencies and the National Public Health Service) have their own legislative and functional responsibilities, and work to their own response plans, manuals, handbooks and standard operating procedures based on the New Zealand Pandemic Plan. Each of those documents provides information in addition to that contained in this plan.
This version of the New Zealand Pandemic Plan provides a framework for action that can readily be adopted and applied to any pandemic of respiratory infection characterised primarily by airborne transmission, irrespective of the aetiological pathogen and its severity. We have developed this plan with influenza and coronaviruses primarily in mind, but it is broadly applicable to other respiratory illnesses, and, as long as pathogen-specific considerations are accounted for, may also apply to other diseases with pandemic potential.
The New Zealand Pandemic Plan is of less relevance to pandemics in which spread is predominantly by the faecal-oral route, sexual contact, blood-borne transmission or disease vectors such as mosquitoes, although some components may be applicable.
The New Zealand Pandemic Plan is a living document. We will update it from time to time as new evidence becomes available. Agencies should refer to the version of the plan that appears on the Ministry of Health website, which will always be the most up to date.
The New Zealand Pandemic Plan is the foundation for our preparedness for and responses to future pandemics. The Ministry of Health and Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) will use it to inform and customise their responses to pandemics. The overall response strategy will likely be determined by Ministers and Cabinet. Key objective The key objective of this plan is to minimise deaths, serious illness and significant disruption to communities, the health system and the economy arising from a pandemic associated with a respiratory pathogen.
The New Zealand Pandemic Plan is primarily a central government planning and response framework. It will inform, but not prescribe, the structure of operational plans.
Read the discussion document HERE
This is from earlier
The new Pandemic Plan for NZ has just been released in July 2024.
THIS is what it says about VACCINATION
Hospitals are so jammed out and lacking in equipment at this juncture, that future med-psy-ops aren't going to get any traction; as regardless of injections or forced lockdown/segregation methods of fear and coercion, more people will continue getting hospital grade illnesses. Magic genomic dust will never turn this around -- a shock to the industry, but still of interest as bioweapons. Natural health revivals will continue, however. Kiwis are already engaged in a silent revolution that never gets podcast attention.
ya got yaself a uniparty there too.