Health New Zealand have finally released their Myocarditis and Pericarditis report. It has taken over two years. It is not a complicated study/survey.
Their key finding is that "many participants felt unsupported and felt that a lack of clear pathways within government agencies led to unnecessary frustration and difficulty receiving support such as ACC payments and vaccine mandate exemptions.
Myocarditis and pericarditis had a significant impact on the lives of participants." We had large megaphones on Parliament lawn, screaming at the top of our lungs this "Key Finding" in February 2022.
We had signs, placards, stickers, crosses and musicians singing about this "Key Finding" in February 2022.
We had the media abusing us for speaking out as loud as we could about this "Key Finding" in February 2022.
We had government sponsored groups accuse us of misinformation and disinformation for saying this "Key Finding" in February 2022.
Then, on 2 March 2022, we were pepper sprayed, beaten with riot shields, shot with sponge grenades, exposed to high-pitch ear-drum bursting decibels, and arrested for trying to alert New Zealand to this "Key Finding."
So, what are you going to do about it now Te Whatu Ora? Now that you have a piece of paper telling you this "
Key Finding" ?
A study was conducted to explore individuals’ experiences by surveying people diagnosed with myocarditis and/or pericarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty. The study was not designed to confirm or investigate whether the vaccination event was the cause or related to the myocarditis or pericarditis. This report describes how the study was conducted and the results from the participant surveys.
The new NZ Study into post mRNA Pericarditis and Myocarditis.
It has taken three and a half years, but finally, in NZ we have an official guidance document stating:
"People diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty may continue to experience symptoms such as chest pain and fatigue, and other impacts several months after the initial diagnosis. Healthcare providers should be aware of this to ensure that appropriate follow-up and support are arranged" The misinformation bandied about for the first three and a half years must now cease. The lie that.... "mRNA induced Myocarditis and Pericarditis are mild and self limiting".
Here at the Health Forum NZ we have been screaming this from the hilltops for four years Nobody....but nobody wanted to listen
PS this is Emily. Heart damaged and still seriously unwell after 3 years.
There are many more New Zealanders just like Emily
Does anyone know where to find proof or evidence of fixed Trump- Harris debate and related unfortunate wistleblower? The "fact checkers" are working overtime to discredit this.
And at the end of the study the authors had the audacity to suggest that the ongoing impairment experienced by myocarditis sufferers might just be all in their heads (anxiety), thus further confirming the state-sanctioned gas lighting discussed earlier in the paper. FFS.