Chilling Pentagon documents may reveal why the 'Deep State' has always feared the release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files.
A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.
Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a 'false flag operation', before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro.
An X thread
Myron Gaines
ISRAEL was involved in the assassination of JFK in 1963. SHORT THREAD SUMMATION THIS is why Trump has been reluctant to declassify the JFK files until now... Note: The CIA and mafia were also involved. However, here's the angle that's been censored for decades...
1. JFK and PM Ben Gurion
battled over Israel concealing nuclear capability. 2. Israel kept lying to JFK when he demanded inspections. 3. JFK and RFK also wanted the American Zionist Organization (ZOA) to register as foreign agents (FARA). This endangered Israel's future.
4. The Dallas citizen council invited JFK to Dallas 11/22/1963- Director of the council was Julius Schepps
5. Abraham Zeprruder
and friend of Schepps "cohen-cidently" captured the footage at the right time and later sold it for $150k...
6. Zapruder was a manufacturer HQed at the Dallas textile building. Ballistics prove the first 2 shots that missed came from there. 7. The building was owned by David Weisblatt
. A big donor to the ADL
8. The host committee responsible for JFK was run by Sam Bloom
9. Sam Bloom INSISTED Dallas PD perp walk Oswald outside before he was "cohencidently" shot by Jack Ruby aka Jacob RUBENSTEIN
10. Rubenstein went on to tell his lawyer and Rabbi he killed Oswald for the jewish people... 11. LBJ, who has
heritage on his maternal side, takes office and immediately stops nuclear inspections.
12. Prior to presidency LBJ had covertly smuggled
refugees via "Operation TX" circa 1938 as a Congressman 13. Israel gets the atomic bomb 2 years after JFK died.
14. In 1968, LBJ covered up the USS Liberty attack and placed gag orders on survivors. 15. In short, JFK, and RFK challenged Israel's national security via stopping their nuclear program and registering the ZOA under FARA which would hinder financial aid from US zionists.
16. With these 2 issues, zionists needed JFK and RFK GONE. 17. Fast forward 62 years and ZOA is now AIPAC, freely controlling politicians and Israel has nuclear weapons. 18. They just never admit it because they killed a president to get them..
THAT is why no president has ever wanted to declassify the JFK/RFK files. "Our greatest ally" actually isn't great. Theres ALOT more to this, but I wanted to give a quick summation. SHARE this thread and get the truth out so they don't omit this critical part of the file.
If you want the FULL details on who the shooterS were, (no it wasn't Oswald) watch this. Time stamps included:…
Who Killed JFK: The Biggest Coverup In American History With Cory Hughes
I totally disagree with this theory that JFK was killed due to Israel, Castro or anything else that's been mentioned. I was 9 y.o. when JFK was killed and I remember that day very clearly; I spent decades trying to find out who killed him and why and finally found the truth and proof of what happened.
The real reason was far bigger than any of that and is thoroughly documented with govt. docs in his book "JFK's Last Stand" by Dr. Michael Salla. It is also thoroughly documented in, of all places, Rolling Stone magazine back in mid-1990s when it was still a good place for learning truth about the deep state. I remember reading a 25 page article, complete with photographs of govt documents, lots of evidence and a photograph of the govt document where George H. W. Bush signed the order to have JFK killed. He was in top tier of CIA at the time, but no one knew about it. There were documents proving this also in the article. The article was excellent and proved beyond shadow of a doubt it was George H. W. Bush who gave the order to have him killed.
JFK was getting ready to inform the public of the truth about UFO/aliens. This is VERY well documented and we've had the govt. docs for years. Bush received orders to kill JFK from Majestic-12, a very secret group who spent decades covering up truth about UFOs and aliens. You can find documents and info about this group here:
I know this sounds fantastical, but there is so much evidence of what I just said, it's irrefutable. Do your own research, read "JFKs Last Stand" and do some research on the above website re: majestic documents. It all fits together.
Dr. Steven Greer came out about 2 weeks ago and told us Disclosure is about to happen. He gave us lots of info and has made a series of 3 part video, "Disclosure" part 1, part 2, part 3, each about one hour and well worth watching. It's on You Tube.
Oh...this is so delicious!!! Yes. We've had many theories advanced through the we have some evidence from the period reflecting the thinking and motives as noted at that time.