Operation Drone Invasion, the DoD, and Doomsday
Something incredible is going on....
DEC 16, 2024
Something incredible is going on, not just in the world of drones gone wild, but in the minds of most Americans. Almost no one seems able to care enough to hide or stay at home, or to respond in any meaningful way to these bizarre threats to our security.[1] Nor do they feel overwhelmed by this latest seeming catastrophe. Have we all become too apathetic or numb to respond anymore?
In the beginning, the government denied the existence of the drone displays and incursions, some of which breached military bases and others of which appeared in Washington, DC. Then, on December 12, 2024, John Kirby, White House National Security Advisor, gave a dithering press conference about the mysterious drones. He said essentially nothing other than any security threat was “minimal.” He did tell us that President Biden would, if concerned, let the military know.
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So President Biden allegedly wants to reassure us that he is in charge and we are safe, regardless of what we see in the sky. But the truth is that the President of the United States, even when Donald Trump was in office during his first term, does not tell the DoD what to do. Instead, the DoD tells the President what to do or simply acts without his permission. Later in the column, we will remind you that it turned out that the DoD, and not President Trump, was wholly in charge of Operation Warp Speed![2]
Here is what Trump had to say about the drones on TruthSocial on December 13, 2024:[3]
President Trump, we know that you, as the President-Elect, are receiving daily security briefings and we can see that you are unfazed by the drone displays. Please do not be taken in again by the Deep State as they hoodwinked you into pushing Operation Warp Speed on yourself and us.[4] Do not believe anything your daily briefings tell you about the drones or their purposes. Everyone in the U.S. Government must be treated as your enemy and ours until proven otherwise.
We believe we have nailed down two very specific purposes of the drone displays and the indifference shown by the government to any threat.
First, the power-driven DoD controls the drones. As an arm of the global predators,[5] the DoD wants more capacity to use its military forces on American soil for the purpose of controlling Americans and is playing helpless over the drones.
The DoD’s seeming helplessness in the face of the drones is a scheme to give them more control over domestic drones and hence more control over American citizens. The globalists need our nation more under the control of the military in order to crush America on its way to increasing its world governance. Right now, the DoD is pushing for new legislation to allow it to more closely monitor and to shoot down drones, which will give the military a greater foothold within the nation itself. Think of how 911 and the anthrax attack in DC were used to push forward the Patriot Act which became a huge weapon against freedom in America.
Second, DoD is conducting a psychological operation or PSYOP to break America’s resistance to manipulation and to obscure what is really going on in the world.
We have been astonished by how Americans have all felt so helpless or confused about the drone party in the sky. That included us until we settled down to the business of figuring it out. Unless America wakes up to the threat from the globalists, it looks as if nothing will inspire us to challenge every new seemingly inexplicable event or scheme to weaken America and especially to weaken America’s patriotic spirit to stand up for itself and for freedom.
We will now elaborate on those two points.
The Drone Invasion Is an Excuse for DoD to Seize More Power Over Americans
In his December 12, 2024 drone press conference,[6] Kirby told us, “Using very sophisticated electronic detection technologies provided by federal authorities, we have not been able to — and neither have state or local law enforcement authorities — corroborate any of the reported visual sightings.” What’s going on here?
Then Kirby addresses what we believe is one of the purposes of the drone displays:
While there is no known malicious activity occurring, the reported sightings there do, however, highlight a gap in authorities. And so, we urge Congress to pass important legislation that will extend and expand existing counter-drone authorities so that we are better prepared to identify and mitigate any potential threats to airports or other critical infrastructure and so that state and local authorities are provided all the tools that they need to respond to such threats as well. [bold added]
This remark is critical. It was picked up and affirmed by Michael Waltz, Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor. Waltz made these remarks on CBS News Face the Nation, today December 15, 2024, as reported on Reuters:[7]
"What the drone issue points out are kind of gaps in our agencies, gaps in our authorities between the Department of Homeland Security, local law enforcement, the Defense Department," Waltz told CBS News' Face the Nation.
"President Trump has talked about an Iron Dome for America," Waltz said, referring to Israel's missile defense system. "That needs to include drones as well, not just adversarial actions like hypersonic missiles."
Herein lies a potential disaster with Trump listening to supporters who share a common desire with globalists and progressives to strengthen the power of the DoD, the military-industrial complex, and the globalist powers over the nation. Empowering the DoD is to empower a major enemy of the American People.
As Ginger Breggin often finds, events like these are carefully orchestrated over a period of years. Here is a July 2023 news report of bipartisan support for strengthening our protection against drone attacks:[8]
WASHINGTON, June 26 (Reuters) - A group of bipartisan U.S. lawmakers said on Monday they are making a new push to expand government authority to detect and destroy drones that could pose security threats.
Representatives Chrissy Houlahan, Mike Gallagher, Troy Carter and Mike Johnson introduced legislation that would allow state and local law enforcement and critical infrastructure operators to use drone detection technology. It would also authorize the Transportation Security Administration to proactively protect transportation infrastructure from drone threats.
Houlahan said she thinks the bill could get attached to an annual defense bill. A parallel drone bill was introduced in the Senate in May.
"We really have not enough legislation that protects the American people from really catastrophic effects of a drone strike," she told Reuters on Monday, adding that the push was sparked by concerns about drones in places including presidential inaugurations and high-profile sporting events such as the Super Bowl and the Olympics. [bold added]
Notice that the drones are seen as a threat to public gatherings like the Super Bowl. That should get everyone’s attention! Remarkably, it is echoed in Kirby’s recent remarks at the end of his White House Press Conference on December 12, 2024. He closed his conference by saying, out of the blue, “Now, tomorrow, there’s a little thing called the Army-Navy game. We wish both sides a good game. (Laughter.)”
Meanwhile, there are recent unverified videos and photos of drones over Washington, DC[9], as well earlier ones published in Europe.[10] The threats are everywhere, but the DoD is doing nothing. The DoD is sitting on its hands about the drones, almost certainly because the greater number of them are controlled by the DoD with very destructive purposes toward the freedom as it still exists in the United States of America.
Really, if the DoD can’t approach and even destroy a bunch of helpless drones how could it prepare to fight a modern war? To make it easier for us to fight back, many of the drones appear over the ocean, so it wouldn’t hurt our citizens when we shoot them down.
And if the DoD cannot figure out where they come from, how could they pretend to be prepared to act as our defenders in a technological assault on us?
But the DoD’s feigned helplessness becomes understandable as a way of scaring Americans into giving the agency even more money, technology, and power—allegedly to protect us when their aim is to put a final stranglehold on us at the behest of those who want to govern the world.
Government Benefits from Drone Control
By controlling drones within the nation, the DoD gains enormous powers of surveillance and control over us. Remember the complete blackout of information after the destruction of the town Lahaina, in Maui? Authorities put a fence around the town and banned drones from flying over. Remember after government agencies and the military refused to provide aid to the victims of Hurricane Helene, private drones provided us the reality of the disaster and even delivered life-saving supplies to isolated families, including those with infants in need of baby formula.
Keep this in mind. To work their will on humanity, the globalists need control over unruly Americans like America Firsters and independent volunteers who want to help their fellow Americans.
The government already has considerable control over drones. We live near a small airport outside Ithaca, New York. One day a friend of ours tried to fly a small drone in our backyard and it would not work—it was disabled—because our yard is in a no fly zone for drones even though the airport is at least three miles away.
If the government were truly this helpless in the face of drones and dared not shoot them down or even get close to them, we would be the helpless laughingstock of the world. But if they can convince enough Americans about this big lie, they will become able to vastly increase their power over our lives in coming weeks or months, apparently even under the Trump Administration.
The Drone Invasion Is a DoD Psychological Operation (PSYOP)
The DoD is trying to crush the spirit of resistance when our own government attacks us. The DoD drone display has already succeeded in paralyzing nearly every voice in America that might be identifying the sky scam aimed at making us feel totally helpless in the face even of an Orwellian assault by unidentified enemies.
How helpless can we get! They are showing that most of us are so exhausted and mentally injured from Covid viruses and Covid jabs, from giving into every whim of the public health masters, from the wars, from the invasion across our border, from the inflation, from the insanity of the Biden administration—that we are becoming like putty in the hands of our oppressors. In a way, we are already putty in their hands, but they keep squeezing us and softening us up.
But would the DoD ever perpetrate something like this drone invasion on America? In truth, the DoD perpetrated the worst and most lethal assault ever inflicted on America in the form of the Covid jabs. It was called Operation Warp Speed.
Operation Warp Speed and the DoD
Did you know that the DoD was actually in charge of Operation Warp Speed? In case you missed that, I did too in the beginning before being alerted by journalists Catherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, and researching for myself.[11] The announcement of Operation Warp Speed did not occur on White House Stationery. Nor did it occur on Health and Human Services (HHS) or FDA website. Nor the CDC website. It occurred on the Department of Defense stationery with minimal later involvement of the HHS, FDA and drug companies who never went through anything remotely like scientific evaluations of the Covid jabs. There was no purpose to testing the pseudo-vaccines, because decades of testing had already shown that coronavirus vaccines were both too ineffective and too deadly to mammals to even test on humans. We cover these issues in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.[12]
The DoD ran the critical first year and released Covid jabs on an unwitting America without so much as performing a single controlled clinical trial of their safety or efficacy. The jabs then killed more than 2 million Americans,[13] still with zero coverage of the slaughter and the chronic illnesses in the major media. The DoD got away with that! They could surely get away with Operation Drone Invasion.
Right now, the DoD is playing dead, while the dread drones are crawling all over the place. The DoD is not close to being so helpless. It’s a trap. They are calculating that Operation Drone Invasion will make us feel so confused and helpless that we will give them anything they want to prevent a real invasion of drones.
Americans, believe nothing that the government tells you. Everything that baffles you is probably a plan to harm all of us. Operation Drone Invasion by the DoD is simply the latest strategy aimed at continuing to weaken America’s spirit of freedom. The Deep State, the related military-industrial complex, and the vast complex of global predators must first destroy traditional freedom-loving America before they can fully govern the world.
It may be that Donald Trump does not yet comprehend the degree of evil he is facing. If he is fooled by Operation Drone Invasion as badly as he was fooled by Operation Warp Speed, then we are all in trouble. Especially in trusting the DoD, he would be repeating mistakes that nearly destroyed his first term as President—mistakes that could once again destroy his Presidency and wipe out what remains of freedom in America.
Primary Author: Peter R. Breggin MD
Published also on AmericaOutLoud.news
[1] Mystery drone invasion sparks 'state of emergency' in New Jersey with warning Iranian mothership lurks offshore | Daily Mail Online This is a good insight into the chaotic non-response by the U.S. Government as well as some photos.
[2] Our reporting on how the DoD was running Operation Warp Speed with many citations that prove it.
Best explanation I’ve read all week. We certainly cannot trust the Deep State! If the drones were really a threat, Biden, Obama, Susan Rice , Hillary and Kamala would be hovering in the underground bunkers under the White House. A FANTASTIC ARTICLE THAT EVERYONE SHOULD READ. THANK YOU!!!!
An informed intelligent AWAKE public is necessary to reclaim (no, claim) and exercise freedom.
Keep up the revelation !
In the end, ‘There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.’ (Mt 10:26; Lk 12:2) Where we go One He goes before.